So fun fact, I've planned this line ever since I started the Ohayo region but then pokemon scarlet and violet had a locust which demotivated me. But I decided to bring back the like for this region since I really like the idea of a little lightning bolt grasshopper XD
This line is mostly inspired by the many shawinigan night show I've seen as a kid.
#010 Hopzit | Bug Type
The Nymph Pokemon
Little Hopzit do what they do best. Jump and hop away from bigger pokemons that could pause a threat. They have an hidden potential, just waiting to bloom.
#011 Juwatt| Bug/Electric Type
The grasshopper Pokemon
Full of energy to spend, Juwatt gather the excess of it in their legs with allows the to leap great distance while stunning anyone who runs after them. Juwatt love getting attention from their trainer.
#012 Jujuwatta| Bug/Electric Type
The great grasshopper Pokemon
Jujuwatta hidden potential was finally realized. Through the attention of it's trainer, Jujuwatta loves to make their battles a spectacle for everyone to see. They will leap in the air and throw powerful stunning kicks to their opponent.