To be transparent, I have no idea if I wrote this or not. If I did, I must have been high as fuck.
You should tell people how you feel.
You should be open and truthful.
You should get up every time you fall.
You should fight for what is important.
By that, I mean all the things that keep you up at night.
You should believe in every break that leaves your body.
You are a walking miracle.
You should laugh a little more- it looks so fucking good on you.
You should do all these things, but only when you are ready.
Everything will align, your heart will align to your mind.
But only when you are ready.
Currently thinking to myself: Yes, this poem sounds terribly adolescent. It doesn't help that I don't recall when it was written. But if I were to speculate- I was most likely under the influence. The reason being is that I wrote short motivational poems to myself whenever my "using" got increasingly bad. In an attempt to save myself, from myself. Desperately seeking a way out through writing. Although this poem isn't my most impressive work, the message is clear- KEEP FUCKING FIGHTING!
Recovery/Life advice from me, a "scum bag junkie"... Sharing our feelings and emotions is incredibly terrifying. The thought of even confiding in our loved ones, feels damn near impossible. For it's the ones we love the most that we fear of disappointing. I believe that learning to express oneself genuinely is a life-long lesson. BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF, FOR NONE OF US KNOW WHAT THE FUCK WE ARE DOING! As you push and pull forward, I encourage you to grab a pen and notebook and write that shit down! All the shit. The good, the wild, the cringey, the manic, the depressed. Write down your ambitions & goals! Reveal yourself to the Universe, it's watching. Put pen to paper and simply begin. Journaling forces our minds to slow the fuck down, and when you are vulnerable & honest, you will connect with your higher self.
You are extraordinary, believe it.