Habit Tracking in Notion: App-like & Hyp ...

Habit Tracking in Notion: App-like & Hypervisual Approach

Apr 24, 2020

I've had my fair share of habit tracking apps in the last 10 years and I cycled through countless apps in search for the best tool. Long story, short - all those apps did not suffice eventually. Something would feel missing and none of them stuck with me in the long run.

Notion, however, was a breath of fresh air. It allowed me to craft my very own design - one that would engage me 100%, allowing me to iterate quickly and explore various approach in order to find the best tailor-fit solution to my specific needs.

My Design Criteria for Habit Tracking:

  1. Habits should be organized into functional groups and sorted in the right order

  2. Should provide an app-like experience where checked off items gets removed from the list (This particularly works for someone like me who gets visually overwhelmed with long, seemingly non-ending list)

  3. Should give me the ability to skip a task

  4. Should be able to automatically compute Habit Scores for the week which will feed into a form of automated reporting in Notion

  5. Should be interesting and exciting to engage with

With Notion, not only have I successfully implemented these 5 criteria but it also provided a better, more seamless and satisfying experience. And despite trying so many Habit apps in the past, I haven't had this much success in tracking my habits daily. With this template, I was truly 100% engaged.

See my Notion Habit Tracker in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yx3DqDi6gO8

Thank you so much for being here! I hope you found value in this post.

Take care and I wish you a lot of happy and organized days with Notion ahead!

- Zarelle

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