Good bye February and HELLOOOOO March!

Good bye February and HELLOOOOO March!

Mar 07, 2023

Wow, this month has really flown by!

By the time you read this, we will be somewhere off the east coast of Australia, cruising our way to Brisbane so look out for some articles about our adventures sometime in the near future.

February has been crazy!

Midway through the month, our website went live and we’ve been busy uploading some of our past articles about our trip to London and Northern Ireland, as well as a staycation closer to home in Manly, one of the northern beaches suburbs of Sydney.

Make sure you check out all the articles, especially the most popular one we shared this month, which was about our sunset experience at Sky Garden, London. As well, if you love food, you won’t want to miss the article about probably the best Indian Tasting Menu we had in Chelsea, London, and the pictures aren’t bad either!!

Stay tuned in March as we let you know all the essential places to visit if you’re heading to London – whether it’s for a day, a week or a month, there’s bound to be loads of things that you will want to add to your list.

So what’s coming up in March? We have two short cruises coming up. One with Princess Cruises and our first with Royal Caribbean. I can see a comparison article between the two somewhere in the near future. We’re also heading to Melbourne and Tasmania so expect to see some thoughts. We’re doing an overnight yacht stay which was cancelled last month due to inclement weather, so fingers crossed it goes ahead! We’re also visiting one of Sydney’s most iconic restaurants, Café Sydney for a long lunch. It’s one of our favourites and never disappoints so I’m looking forward to what’s on the menu this time.

As well, we will be continuing with articles from our road trip through Northern Ireland and Ireland.

To make sure you don't miss out, head to our website and sign up to our newsletter, or send a DM and we will add you to our list.

Until next month, and happy travels!

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