I am not a young IT specialist, and I am ...

I am not a young IT specialist, and I am still alive...

May 01, 2023

I am not a young IT specialist, and I am still alive... Slaves are not allowed in paradise...

I'm not a young IT professional anymore, if you know anything about PDP-11, you probably saw mammoths as I did :). And something prompted me to write this... Perhaps there is still time...

Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine

Russia brought the war to my country, Ukraine, a long time ago. When you live near the airfield, you often see rescue boards with the wounded, and you realize that there are guys like you.

And now, in the spring of 2022, the borders of war have moved closer to all of us.

Everything has changed in our lives. If there is such a thing as life, because every day can be the last.

We are still a long way from the time when a Russian bomber is flying overhead, and in the chat rooms you see FAB-500s exploding not far away, and hear the airfield being hit.

So now I tell everyone I know what I can do: "I don't want only me to know how to do this. You need to know so that you can do it without me." Because Russian missiles are constantly flying at civilian objects, and I can be there.

He has no previous life.

Forced to live away from home, if it still exists - our home.

I have no previous life.


I took part in the challenge and now I have to shave off my beard only after I win.

I will shave it after I win.

Even though I have a beard for the first time, and my wife can't stand beards (at all), she is waiting for me to win and understands. Thank you for that, my dear.

So I have to learn and master new areas. I have undergone medical rehabilitation, and I have to support my body, which is not very good anymore. But if anything, we are with pitchforks, and we are still wow. You can't wait...


When we fled, we didn't have much to take with us. And it's good that we took at least a laptop.

Now we have access to the Internet and can study and work. Thanks to my friends for helping me survive.

I signed up for training courses.

I am learning what I knew, but in a new modern perspective, so that I can have the appropriate certificates confirming modern skills.


Whether I take courses from Google or Prometheus, I study using the Coursera platform.

As a student, I received a recommendation from my mentors to save the course videos along with subtitles and video descriptions for future use, as there will be no access to them after the courses.

I did it, and I did it for each video, and as a programmer, I could not repeat the monotonous work of saving files by changing their names, I made mistakes.

This led to the fact that every time I saved files, I just thought about why I was doing it myself.

Assistant for saving files from Coursera (CSA)

Overnight, the "Assistant for saving files from Coursera (CSA)" add-on for Goole Chrome and Microsoft Edge version 0.0.1 appeared.

I mastered working in Microsoft Visual Code, thanks to the GoIT marathon.

I submitted this version to the Google Chrome Web Store, and surprisingly, it was published the next morning.

The version was created in Ukrainian and localized to English with the help of crowdin.com.

I shared it with my classmates in the training courses via Slack, and they liked it too.

And then there were requests from users, and from myself, and the following nights brought new versions of the app.

I could not continue to familiarize myself with the new course materials until I "ate the frog" and finished this simple application.

All the code for the app is now available on GitHub.

I've learned how to make donations, maybe someone will like my app too :) - patreon and buymeacoffee

Now I am free and still alive...

Slaves are not allowed to go to heaven.



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