Open Class for LLT Students

Open Class for LLT Students

Sep 15, 2023

Hello everyone,

LLTU has run free senior classes since March this year. However, in 2024, it's not confirmed that this free senior class will continue.

I'm assuming that there are some students expecting to join this class but now staying in level 1-3 and might not be able to pass to level 4 in time before the senior class ends this year. Also, there might be some old LLT students who still want to learn something new.

Therefore, I would like to open this class for everyone who would like to join toward this year's end.


The class is casual and has a free-flow style. We usually use songs, movie clips, YouTube clips, etc. as learning materials. So you get to practice listening and learn new vocabulary every week.


If you have received this e-mail, it means you are eligible to register for this class. You can join despite your level. But please note that we don't use romanization in the class, only the Thai scripts. So minimum, you should know Thai letters & vowels and primarily be able to read words (even not knowing the meaning). The rest, I will make the class comply with everyone.


Please fill out this form if you wish to join these free classes (only for LLT students).


Deadline to fill in the form :: 23 September 2023

For those who register in the form will receive a confirmation email on 24 September 2023.




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