And so the boy, shard 8: "yet form"

And so the boy, shard 8: "yet form"

Mar 08, 2024

And so the boy packed what he could, measured his weight, took stock one last time…

Yea, though I walk through the valley…death fall from teary night and fire-lit sky.  I cannot but fear evil, though I walk intrepid still, my faith born of those I love, my strength hardened in times of loss, an unrelenting sea…the waves crash, a furry and might—I must—but continue on.  

Who will walk with me, though equal steps we cannot take?  The weight I carry, I cannot carry alone…though try I shall if try I must.  To measure and to know the threshold break, a step too soon and many more to take.  If I fall, will you catch?…If I catch, will you allow yourself to fall?  

I know not dawn tomorrow bring, but weary breath a song still must sing.  I’ll dance to yours, will you dance to mine?  Can we sing such broken melody together from afar, to bring once near your shadow keep?  To travel now I must travel far, to take one step a million more.  I feel the aching sore 

yet form.

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