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Top 5 plagiarism checking tools.

Top 5 plagiarism checking tools.

Jan 07, 2023

image There are many plagiarism-checking tools available online that can help you identify and prevent plagiarism in your writing. Here are five popular options:

  1. Turnitin: Turnitin is a widely used plagiarism detection tool that compares submitted papers to a database of academic content and web pages to check for originality.

  2. PlagScan: PlagScan is a cloud-based plagiarism detection tool that allows you to check the originality of your work by uploading a file or pasting text into the tool.

  3. Copyscape: Copyscape is a plagiarism detection tool that helps you find copies of your content on the web. You can use it to check for plagiarism or to protect your content from being copied without permission.

  4. Plagiarism Checker: Plagiarism Checker is a free online tool that allows you to check the originality of your work by uploading a file or pasting text into the tool.

  5. DupliChecker: DupliChecker is a plagiarism detection tool that allows you to check the originality of your work by uploading a file or pasting text into the tool. It also offers additional features such as a keyword density checker and a spelling and grammar checker.

I hope this list is helpful!

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