Shelby's Christmas Wish

Shelby's Christmas Wish

Dec 20, 2023

It was a cold Monday morning, but little Shelby Grace did not want to go to school that day and sit in Mrs. Helgish's 2nd grade class. Actually, she didn't want to go to school any day, but more specifically, Shelby did not want to go to school on Monday. She stared at the window at the freshly fallen snow and dreamed of playing in it. Reluctantly, Shelby dragged herself downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast before getting ready for school. 

"You're up early?" her mom questioned her. 

"What do you mean, I always wake up this early for school."

"Sweetie, it is winter break, you get to stay home this week. Santa is coming on Friday night." 

Shelby's eyes widened in disbelief. Winter break? Santa? How did she forget? Shelby Grace got her wish, she did not have to go to school and sit in Mrs. Helgish's 2nd grade class. 

Shelby wolfed down the oatmeal, topped with blueberries, that her mom set on the table in front of her before running back up to her room to change into her warm clothes. She put on 2 shirts, a pair of leggings under her jeans, a pink snow-suit, with her pink boots, gloves, scarf and earmuffs. As she ran towards the door, her mother called out. 

"Shelby, are you forgetting something?"She had already forgotten that she didn't have to go to school this week, so Shelby assumed she was forgetting something else but couldn't remember what it could be. 


"Are you going to take it with you?"

"Yes?" Shelby felt her cheeks flush, what was it

Shelby watched her mom cross to the kitchen table and took a bag from it and handed it to her.

Snowman accessories! "Oh wow!" She exclaimed as she looked in the bag and saw carrots, buttons, scarves and more.

"You'll need to locate his arms yourself." 

"Thanks mom!" Shelby called as she ran out of the door with her bag. 

She went to work right away rolling three large balls of snow. A hefty base served as the bottom. A slightly smaller middle. A 3rd small one for the head. So far, he was looking great. The three balls were the roundest she had ever made. Usually they were oblong or flatter, but these three balls were glorious. 

Shelby looked in her bag and found two big black buttons for the eyes, a long carrot for his nose, and red yarn to make his mouth. She wrapped a black scarf around his neck and placed a top hat on his head. She stood back and admired her creation. 

"Oh right!" she remembered, she had to find his arms herself. 

Shelby went looking in the yard for some sticks that would serve well for his arms. She found some under the large tree near the fence that she thought would be suitable. She added them to her snowman and giggled. She was proud of her work and she did it all by herself.  

She spent the rest of the morning playing with him, make-believing he was real. She played catch with him, which really turned into a one-sided snowball fight as he didn't seem to want to catch any of the snowballs or throw them back. She then started on a snow fort, creating a house deep inside the snow. She was nearly done when her mom called her back in to eat a nice hot lunch of grilled cheese and tomato soup. 

"Thanks mom!" Shelby called as she ran back outside. 

"Not too much later, it is going to get dark soon."

Shelby ran back to her snowman and snow fort and continued to pack her walls to strengthen them. 

"Excuse me, is this your snowman?" 

Shelby looked up and saw a large man wearing a red suit. He looked vaguely familiar but Shelby was unmistaken. 

"Santa?" "Ho ho ho, why yes Shelby Grace, I am Santa." 

"What are you doing here?"

"I am making my rounds, checking on all of the little boys and girls making sure they are happy, healthy, and good."


"What are you hoping for for Christmas this year?"

Shelby thought for a moment. There was only one thing that she wanted and Santa knew the second he saw her face.

"Oh Shelby, your dad is busy helping create peace and freedom right now as a soldier. His job is important but I know he would much rather be home with you." 

"I just miss him, he has been gone an awful long time." 

"I know and he misses you just as much and cannot wait to see you."

"So, you can't bring him home for Christmas this year?"

"I'll tell you what, if you keep being a good girl, and you keep believing in magic and the good in the world, I will do my best."

Shelby smiled wide, "I will Santa! I promise I will!"

When Shelby went to bed that night she was tempted to tell her mom about her meeting with Santa, but thought it would be best to keep it to herself. Her mom was always worried about her talking with strangers and she didn't want to upset her.

Shelby dreamed of eight little reindeer and a tall Christmas tree. There were hundreds of perfectly wrapped presents under the tree. Yet, her dad was not there. When Shelby woke up the next morning she was sad, what good were presents if her dad wasn't there to help her open them. 

The next few days were the same as the first, she played outside in the snow, breaking long enough for warm meals before reading books with her mom before bed.

When Christmas Eve rolled by, Shelby couldn't contain her excitement. "Mom, he is coming!"

"I know sweetie, Santa is coming tonight."

"No, mommy, daddy is coming."

"Oh, I wish sweetheart, but he isn't due to come back for a few more months." 

"No, no, I know he is coming." 

"Okay sweetie. I hope you are right."

Shelby went to bed smiling knowing she would wake up to see her dad in the morning, just like Santa had told her. As soon as she closed her eyes, someone had woken her. She looked at the same large man in the red suit.

"Hello Shelby."

"Hi Santa, is he here?"

"I'm sorry Shelby, I tried my best. I want you to know that you were such a good girl and even though I couldn't deliver your dad, please never stop believing in the magic."

Shelby's smile drifted into a frown as disappointment washed over her. 

"Please Shelby, promise me you'll never stop believing in the magic."

"I promise Santa. Thank you for trying." Shelby laid back down, closing her eyes as she willed herself not to cry. It wasn't a big deal, she thought, just another day. 

Morning came and Shelby reluctantly opened her eyes. After Santa's visit she tossed and turned the rest of the night, restlessly dreaming of bombs falling from the skies. Not something a little girl would want to see. She threw off her blankets and made her way downstairs. Just like her dream earlier in the week, underneath a large tree were lots of presents, all for her. Shelby sighed as she sat near the tree looking at each gift. It wouldn't be as fun to open them, she thought. 

"Shelby" Shelby heard her name called from behind her from a voice she hadn't heard in months. She turned around and saw the gift she wanted most, her dad. He stood there with his arms out wide, ready to catch her as she ran into them. 

"I knew it, I knew you would be here."

"How did you know? I just found out last night I was coming home."

"Santa told me." Shelby cried as she hugged her dad close. "I didn't stop believing in the magic." 

"Oh Shelby, thank you for always believing in the magic." 

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