Waiting for Kum's Return

Waiting for Kum's Return

Apr 11, 2023

In a haystack, there lived a mouse named Jee. Jee had many friends, and they always got together to eat. His best friend was a little hedgehog named Kum. Every morning Kum would always go to Jee's house and look for food together before they gathered with other friends.



One morning, Jee waited for Kum in front of his house. Jee waited a very long time, but Kum didn't come. Moments later, a frog named Fegy came to him.


"Jee, friends are already waiting for you to eat together. Come here!", said Fegy.

 "Just a moment Fegy, is Kum there?"

"Sadly not. But we're talking about him over there, come with me!", Fegy jumped to lead the way.

When Jee arrived at the gathering, everyone turned to look at Jee. A white mouse named Ayi came up to Jee with a sad look. Ayi also gave a package of leaves to Jee.

"Jee, Kum entrusted this to me for you. He apologized for not being able to give it directly because he was in a hurry."

Jee opened the package, and there were a few grains of rice. In their environment, rice was the most valuable food. Giving rice wrapped in leaves symbolizes a form of happiness or separation. When someone gave birth, her friends would give her rice as a form of happiness. When someone has to go, the one who goes will give rice to his best friend as a form of separation. But rice can also be given as a form of gratitude.


Jee, who saw those rice was surprised and puzzled.

"What does this mean? Where did Kum go? And why did he leave suddenly?!"

 "We didn't know either, he just said he had to go but didn't say where..," Ayi said.

"I don't accept this!", Jee turn the package to Ayi and ran away.

 "Jee!!", his friends shouted at him, but Jee ignored them. Jee ran towards his hedgehog friend's house.

Jee ran fast until he arrived at Kum's house, which was located on a mound of earth. Jee went straight into the unlocked door; he looked around, and Kum wasn’t there. Inside his house, there was only straw as bedding, and some small tools belonged to Kum. Jee realized that Kum's big bag was not there, indicating that Kum was really gone. Jee sat limp, not knowing what to do. He sat beside the straw dejectedly and turned his head here and there in confusion.



Then his eyes caught something that sparkled in the light under the straw. Jee took the object. His eyes widened instantly because it was a red stone that Jee had given to Kum as a gift of true friendship.


At that time, Kum was very happy to get a gift from Jee. Kum said "I will keep this stone wherever I live; if this stone is not somewhere, it means I don't live there". Jee recalled the memories and was excited again. He knew that Kum wasn't gone forever; he would definitely come back. After seeing the stone, Jee guarded it in his own house until Kum returned home.

Jee waited every day for Kum's arrival, from early morning before sunrise until the night, until he was sleepy. Every now and then, Jee also stops by Kum's house in case Kum suddenly returns. For more than a week, his friends saw the pensive Jee and became worried.

"Jee, you'd better rest, when Kum comes back we'll definitely tell you", Fegy said.

"I'm fine, everyone. I've rested," Jee said. 

"But your mind is not!", Ayi said.

"That's right, you look tense and not as cheerful as you used to.", said another friend.

"Guys, thank you for worrying about me but I want to be alone for a moment." Jee strode away, leaving his friends behind. Jee went to Kum's house and chose to sleep there.

            The next morning, when the sun rose, Jee woke up at Kum's house. It seemed that yesterday he was so exhausted that he couldn't get up early. Jee rushed back to his house to check on the situation at home before looking for food. As usual on the way home, Jee's gaze was always ahead until he could see his house from a distance. But today, Jee saw something that stopped his footsteps.


In front of his house, he saw a hedgehog sitting with his back to him, looking toward dawn. Jee's eyes filled with tears, and he ran towards the hedgehog.


The hedgehog turned his head and happily opened his hands wide, "Jeee!!".

Jee jumped up and threw himself into Kum's arms.


            "Kum, where have you been?! What made you go so long and unexpected?!", Jee cried.

"I'm sorry to worry you... I went for this. I've been away for so long because it's so far away," Kum said as he handed Jee a package of sunflower petals. 

"What is this?", Jee opened the package and saw there was a pearl.

"A gift for you because today is your birthday", replied Kum. Heard that, Jee cried and was hugged again by Kum.

"Jee, you were the first one who gave me a gift and I realized that I hadn't given you anything yet. that's why..", said Kum.

"You don't need to get this far, my dear friend... but thank you...!, this is so beautiful! How did you get it?"

"I'll tell you when we gather with other friends, let's meet them I also bring some food!", said Kum.

"All right!", shouted Jee.

Jee and Kum got together as before, and Kum told at length about his experiences during the long journey. Finally, after a long time, Jee and Kum returned to their usual routine together and loved each other like family.


= The End =

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