Ralph Hänel
13 supporters
Wing Tsun with Ralph Haenel - #DasWingTs ...

Wing Tsun with Ralph Haenel - #DasWingTsun​ movement exercises - Wing Chun Kung Fu

Mar 20, 2021

WingTsun-MovementKeys training

Many benefits behind known exercises are what I call 'open secrets'. One's workout needs a certain level of intent, intensity and commitment to significantly change one's performance. Our mantra for one of several ways of training. The backbone of the WingTsun-MovementKeys: "Slow, continuous, smooth and detailed movement, capable of adapting instantly and completely in the moment."


One hour, week, month at a time, commitment year after year; all in six minutes of only one of many exercises. Continuous slow and smooth motion, that adapts in the moment through whole-body movement. Not about strength. Not about speed. Not about deadly techniques.

Continuous movement from fingertips to toes. Recognizing connected muscle chains, front of the body and back of the body.

One movement at a time. One goal per class. One way of motivating and supporting your training partner.

Better movement - better posture - better life! Movement is the key, baby!

#wingtsun​ #videos​ #wingchun​ #martialarts​ #hänelwingtsun​ #daswingtsun​ #movementmojo

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