The Bones of Night #18 Missing

The Bones of Night #18 Missing

Jun 27, 2024

Dear Investigator,

I apologize, I do not have much time for pleasantries today. There are critical matters that I must get to immediately.

Here’s the latest set of logs our team has been able to recover.


Margaret Aurelius
Director of Deep Space Mining Initiatives and Exploration
Frontier Dynamics Corporation, Interstellar

Mission Day 54
Communications Specialist Scarlett Regan

Well, the Pigeon drone idea is a bust. We got one configured to act as a relay with the excavation crew, and got it in orbit where we needed it. As soon as it turned on, we started getting flooded with all kinds of strange signals from seemingly nowhere. Something like this might make sense at high aspect FTL since comms antennae get bombarded with all kinds of random noise from anomalies, but we definitely aren’t in a Threshold.

The Pigeon burned out after a few minutes of overloading on the influx of data. So, now we are back to square one. I don’t know if it was just defective, or we messed something up in our modifications, but Cap has ruled out trying again. We only have so many Pigeons, and we have to pay for every single one that gets used.

Now we really just have to hope that the excavation team’s comm tower will fix the issue. It doesn’t seem like they are prioritizing installing it, though. So far it seems like they have just started mining. I guess Cap, Kaz, and I will have a serious talk with Dr. Mulgrew when he gets back about proper procedure for excavation ops. They are supposed to ensure a stable comms line with the ship in case something happens. Whatever, that man is weasel. He’d chop off his own dick if he found out it was made of some precious metal.

Meredith came barging in to Cap’s room last night, talking about something with that new kid on the excavation crew. No idea what her game is here, but it seemed to get Cap’s attention. They left for awhile, and then he came back, quickly making up for lost time. She better not be trying to get with him again…

Mission Day 54
Quartermaster Harlan Green

I can’t shake this weird feeling that I’m being watched. Every time I go through checks on the crew supply cargo hold I just feel… exposed? No, more like hunted. It is so unsettling.

It’s just gotta be my imagination. I mean, hell, I was stuck in a cell for weeks just to keep me from getting murdered… that’s bound to make you feel like this. Just gotta work through it.

Mission Day 54
Security Personnel Meredith Andrews

I was able to convince Cap to turn on the personnel locators so we can find James Wade. Usually these are just used in an emergency, or rescue situation, since the locator implant can feel incredibly unpleasant when left on for an extended period. When we flipped them on, we saw that, sure enough, he is still on the ship.

Well, his implant is, at least. We found it in his bunk. He must have cut it out, or someone else did?

At the very least, I think it is irrefutable that he must be involved somehow with the murder. Why else would he remove the implant? Now there is literally no way to find him other than a full physical search of the entire mile-long ship.

I am going to find him. I have to. I have to know why Madsen was killed.

Mission Day 54
Medical Operator Dr. Frederick Saginaw, MD

Meredith brought something interesting. Crew locator implant. She thinks new kid on digger crew cut it out himself. Kid would have had to be a surgeon to do something like that.

Even I wouldn’t even try cutting them out. Embedded in the spine. One wrong move, and you are collecting disability for the rest of you life, if you are lucky.

Whoever did this had to know what they were doing.

Reminded her that investigating this murder was a bad idea, but she wouldn’t hear it.

Also had to hook up Cap with another “stimulant.” Told him he needs to take it easy. Didn’t like that.

Mission Day 55
Executive Officer Kazuhiro Inaba

We’ve got a serious problem. Late last night, we saw a group of the excavation team head over to that tungsten deposit. Ever since this morning, we haven’t seen any of the team at all. There should be someone out there working, someone working the equipment, something! But the dig site is quiet.

Dean had an idea that maybe they changed dig sites. But we’ve checked all the sites Dr. Mulgrew was considering before he left. There’s no one there. And for that matter, why wouldn’t they move the lander?

Fucking hell. Why couldn’t he follow protocol and make sure he had a stable comm line before proceeding. This is why that procedure is in place!

I’ve got Scarlett and Dean scouring the surface to see if they went somewhere else. If we can’t find them by next morning, we might have to send someone down in the Emergency Escape Shuttle to try and establish contact.

Jesus, why can’t anything go right with this gig?

Mission Day ?
Unknown Crewmember. Error retrieving personnel records. Please contact Frontier Dynamics Information Security Team.

It is so cold here.
I feel so broken, and alone.
Everyone else is gone, and I just…

I think I’ll fade away.

Fade into that abyss.
Become another bone
Cast into the night.

And leave this world behind.

Thank you!

I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into the dark future of The Bones of Night. What do you think happened to The Prospector? Let me know in the comments, or on social media! Don’t forget to spread the word, and share the site with your friends!

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