Apologies for the lack of updates signal has been horrendous. Currently just woke up for the start for Day 4 and about to get up and heading out of Patterdale today to try and get to Shap.
It’s been gruelling, amazing, challenging, rewarding and everything else. The people have made it. Planned to go alone but walking with Nicola until she leaves at Shap and also the two guys Ian and Mark we met at Ennerdale Water.
Thank you for all your messages and support I am about to go though then quickly now and have a read. Need to read them after a gruelling day yesterday and today is our biggest climb of the walk and a long day (FML 😂).
Thanks for all the beers that people have done to, It means a lot and really has helped and I’ve tried to sink pints where I can. It’s hard as literally we didn’t even see a shop until day 3 too.
I will try to post more updates when I can.
Ps….my feet feel like death 😂