May 2023 Update

May 2023 Update

May 04, 2023

Evening GTM Faithful!

Gaz here, with a short but very exciting update for May.

As you may have seen on our social media channels, I dropped a video with a quick explanation of our plans for this year.

The major part of that being that GT Ministries will become a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation).

We have our trustees, we have our governance documents, business plan, our growth model is nailed down and we have some potential investors and funders. Some major opportunities are coming our way in 2024 and the back end of this year will see us at least starting conversations with our first few partner churches.

Just today I met with a high street bank to open our Charity account and have the Charity Commission application being worked on as we speak.

And! We are back on the road with events booked in Kent, Stockton, Gloucester and more being worked out.

So it's all systems go!

You may have seen that our wishlist has lost a few items off it. The meaning for this is that we have our Women's Championship made, our Academy Championship is funded and I now have a new laptop to help with our production and growth as we had this fully funded through our Wishlist.

I have taken both the WIX subscription and Canva Pro subscription off as when we have our Charity number, we have access to these for free.

Our Tag Team titles will be put on hold for now, but we have a trophy 🏆 for our tag teams in the meantime. There's an especially special reason for this...

We will be going through a rebrand once we have a big fat yes from the Charity Commission.

We have a logo and branding guidelines sorted, website being made and new promotional materials being worked on.

All this in just a few short months and I want to thank each and every single one of you for being on this journey with us and a huge thank you to Roy Crowne of Gospel Entrepreneurs and Steve Gee for mentoring and supporting me through it all.

Personally, I have taken on an old role at The Light Church, restarting their CAP Job Club and helping tackle digital exclusion and supporting their Foodbank users.

Beth and the girls are doing well and as a family we are growing in our faith and expectations as we can clearly see God at work in all of this.

There are so many other little things that I can't wait to share but ill save that for another time.

Until then, thank you for your support and all those coffees, they keep me going!

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