8 supporters
Update 0.5.0 (beta)

Update 0.5.0 (beta)

Dec 27, 2022

As a belated Christmas present, I managed to finally release the first big content update for my dear supporters! I heavily recommend downloading the latest version.

There's a lot to unpack here, but the main addition is the first real ending of the game, with credits and all! It comes alongside 2 new CGs and 2 (drafts of) new music tracks, which I will not spoil for you here.

What I can show you is the following:




Both members of Team Pride got new faces. That means we're now halfway done with the redraws!

Since some of these redraws also include a bit of redesigning, the pixel art had to be adjusted, too. For this reason, I went ahead with my new pixel art style:


I'm not yet fully done with all of them, but I wanted to get the new story content into your hands as soon as possible instead of delaying it in favor of a minor visual detail. I'll be adding the remaining pixels within the next few weeks, though! (On top of that, you can always go back to the old pixel art style in case you prefer it.)

(There's even more new stuff, but it's 2 am, so I'll leave it at that. You can check the patch notes for the full details.)

Thank you so much for all of your support!

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