8 supporters
Moving to Ko-fi

Moving to Ko-fi

Jan 08, 2023

Half a year ago, I decided to run BMAC and Ko-fi at the same time, to figure out which platform works better for me. Now I've finally come to a conclusion.

I originally had high hopes for BuyMeACoffee, because it seemed to be a rapidly developing platform that combined various features of its competitors. But since then, it hardly introduced any of its promised changes, while Ko-fi added almost all of the things it's been missing (on top of generally being more active and well-known).

For this reason, I've decided to permanently move over to Ko-fi. If you want to support me with a monthly membership, or commission me, please do so over there from now on.


Still, I won't shut down my BMAC completely, as there are two features that currently can't be replaced:

  • Server Boost Memberships continue to run via BMAC. People who boost my Discord server get a free membership equivalent to the Boost's value, and since Ko-fi doesn't have a "membership giveaway" feature yet, relevant exclusive features will still be available on here.

  • Game Launches will still be announced. I appreciate all of you who have signed up for BMAC's built-in newsletter, so I will still let you know about the most noteworthy news.

I appreciate your patience and understanding with all the platform-hopping I've been doing over the years. Still, Ko-fi sounds like the most sustainable candidate so far, and I'm optimistic about sticking with it.

Aside from that, I also have some exciting news for those who have not heard yet:

Locke(d) is finally coming to Steam!


Your support for the game allowed me to pay for the Steam fee, which is why I decided to finally give you what you want: 6 achievements for a 30 minute long game! Otherwise, the Steam release is identical to the one on You can wishlist it here, and it will come out on January 23rd!

That's all for now. I'll be releasing another Beta update in the next few weeks, but you'll only hear about that on my Ko-fi from now on. Thank you for your understanding!

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