Is right to talk about your rights?

Is right to talk about your rights?

Jun 14, 2024

A month ago, I read a book called Granada by Radwa Ashour. Granada (spain) was a Muslim country until the Castilians came and conquered the area. Muslim culture, literature, and religion were all banned. At that time, many revolutions started but they all failed because of Castilian's power and also Muslim's inability to do something about it. They lost hope, and each time, they believed everything would be Okay, and that the end of the Inquisition was near, more things got complicated. I am scared to say that Muslims abandoned their land and were waiting for victory to come without any valuable effort and they blame God for not helping them but who can say that I would do something different if I lived in that period, right?

I was thinking of how much this is related to our lives, whenever, we don't talk about our rights, we allow others to cross the limits, and we allow them to get what they want too which is power. We do think patience is the key to relief but actually, it's not: do what you have to do to get what you are willing to even if it takes so much time, that's the true meaning of that expression except in the cases in which we don't have control over them.

Our problem as Muslims or Arabians is that we don't take what's happening or happened seriously, we don't think of the long-term consequences that our decisions can engender: for example, when Castilians come for the first time and the first changes in Muslim religion and culture started to appear, people showed some resistance then what? They believed that these changes were minors and they wouldn't still for a long time, they underestimated them until they were obligated to convert to the Christian religion.

We do think that our not talking about our rights helps avoid problems so we feel safe, and we won't get into trouble because we are good employees and most importantly we listen to the orders. Unfortunately, it's the strategy of work here in Morocco in almost all companies however their fancy names and luxurious appearance.

In addition, there's a very common phenomenon which is: that people get upgraded and promoted not because they're competent or they deserve it just because they know someone who knows someone ..... who knows the boss. Sadly, it's very often to find geniuses suffering to get a job, and some others get it so easily just because they have strong connections based on 50/50.

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