This is our first public post.
We moved to Queensland (Qld) a few years ago when Ron finished his long working career in both the Government and Private sector. We have four adult children and five – almost six grandchildren…
On our arrival in Qld, we didn’t realise that the region was entering what was to be a three-year drought! The property where we live – we named it Kettle Korner – backs onto a mountain covered in thick native bush. Over the next three years we watched the bush die in front of us… large banksia trees went first, then the small wattle trees, black cypress and finally the big old gum trees. Not everything died but probably 30% did.
During that time the dam that supplied our little town with water went dry and the local authorities had to truck in over 40 semi-trailer loads of water daily from a neighbouring town 59 kilometres away. This continued for over 12 months. Added to that concern, at the end of 2019 the bushfires came! The fire burned around the town for days coming within metres of the houses in the township. Several houses were destroyed and numerous outbuildings. Many stock animals perished but fortunately no lives were lost in these fires… Then, to top it all off… COVID19! We won’t tackle this yet. One of us might rant on this subject another day!
January 2021 it all changed; the rains came… by the bucket full! Within days the town dam was full and the roads flooded – no complaints from us, the rain was a blessing. The Kettle Swamp Creek which runs through our property had been dry for the last two and a half years, but today, nine months later it is still flowing!
Our property is in an area known as the Granite Belt. As the name suggests, granite rocks (big ones) greet us at every turn. We have frosty winters – sometimes even snow (the only place in Qld) and very hot summers.
So, we hope to share with you our achievements and failures living in an off-grid property with no town water connection, no garbage collection and even the postal service won’t deliver this far out of town. Can you believe it? Who knew this was a thing.
Remember, many happy Kettle Korner Konnektions are made over coffee with strangers; who are as we know, just friends we have not met yet! Oh, one last thing… It is not necessary to have food with coffee – but it is always more fun when there’s cake!
We’ll chat again soon.
Ron and Cathy