Edith Reid of Denver, 1918 Part 1

Edith Reid of Denver, 1918 Part 1

Jan 01, 2022

Hope you all had a lovely holiday break! And now for the new year... lets hope 2022 brings some good news and isn't 2020 "too".

Moving into 1918 with Edith, the year of the Spanish Flu! The year starts out like any other - having dresses made, sewing projects for school, playing in the gymnasium, etc. Edith passes into the 7th grade this year as well!

I mentioned finding some information on her friend, Ruth Tobin, who became a nun and fought for women's equality within the Catholic church. I found an interview with her online, and I included that in the links in the video description, if you're interested! She knew Thomas Merton, and met Thich Nhat Hanh on a retreat, and attended Vatican II.


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