Ruthless original | 12.23

Ruthless original | 12.23

Jan 01, 2024

Happy new year friends—my final 2 mixtapes of 2023 complete 25 curated hours of music I've lived and loved over the past 12 months. My crusade continues.. to celebrate creative risk, artists defying categorisation, spirit of discovery in our programming/listening; and ruthless originality wherever we find it

The now annual Facebook carousel.. clickthrough for artist and listening links

or scroll my reels [🔊] for a taster of each:

Some of you have asked for my streaming handles so you can see playlists in your (Spotify etc) feeds.. I've added links to the ᴍɪxᴛᴀᴘᴇs tab of my website for those interested:

Thanks everyone for your support, messages and friendship this year ♥

Here's to more ear/mind/heart-opening music.. and to more great conducted projects in 2024!

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