Kelly Lovelady
12 supporters
Ruthless original | 11.22

Ruthless original | 11.22

Dec 27, 2023

Good morning everyone—today is our first rehearsal for Friday night's show The Holy Presence of and I can't wait!

Friends can really help us now by buying tickets or making a donation in lieu and by sharing word of our event far and wide to make sure we have all the right people in the room 😇

Or buy me a coffee here to show your support and I'll gladly redirect it to the project

This month we've put out another press release with more on the colourful Victorian past of our amazing underground venue (circus, banquets, burlesque o my) plus a few words from Decibel violist Aaron Wyatt, who'll be making his international conducting debut with us on Friday night

Read here in full: Bass orchestra to perform in Brunel’s Thames Tunnel shaft

I was invited to curate a mixtape inspired by the project for The Voice of Cassandre which was broadcast on five different French, Greek and UK radio programmes. Click through for the full tracklist of my guest mix: The Unholy Presence of Climate Emergency

I've also co-written a blog about our programme for this week's collaboration with Decibel's Artistic Director, the iconic Cat Hope, and how we came to arrive at our eventual musical selection of

Kaija Saariaho Neiges
Lindsay Vickery Bascule (European premiere)
Tansy Davies Feather and Groove
Pedro Alvarez Intersperso-Ultradiano (European premiere)
Julius Eastman The Holy Presence of Joan d’Arc
Cat Hope Never at Sea (World premiere)

so stay tuned for that in your feeds in the next few days..

2 more bass-heavy mixtapes here to get y'all in the mood—making a total of 5 hours of streaming to will you to join us in the depths of the Brunel Museum

This week is the culmination of months and months of work around the clock—a labour of love as per usual! I really hope to see you all on Friday night to share our creative vision in solidarity with friends in Fairbourne, Wales and all those around the world uprooted by climate crisis

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