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"Oh! There's a Tumor..!" - Before Cervic ...

"Oh! There's a Tumor..!" - Before Cervical Cancer Diagnosis

Nov 21, 2023

I don't really remember driving home that night - I only remember sitting in my car in my driveway crying with my husband hugging me as I told him they found a tumor on my cervix and they thought it was cancer. Ross and I clung to each other all night long unable to comprehend what was happening and fearing the worst. 

I have been around the block the last couple of years trying to figure out what was causing my crippling exhaustion, migraines, body and muscle aches particularly in my lower back and pelvic area as well as hips, legs & feet and just a general low mood. Started subtly, but it progressed to almost unbearable in the last year and a half and I am a tough girl. It might all be related or completely not related at all to the final diagnosis - but this is how it played out for me. 

When my daughter was about 18 months old, I sensed a growing dis-ease in my body. Despite normal test results and initial advice to rest more by one doctor, and to exercise more by another doctor - I faced dismissive opinions attributing it to weight and metabolic issues. Even after trying to exercise and adjusting my diet, the symptoms persisted, leading me to explore women's health concerns. After initial hormone and pap smear results came back normal suggestions of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) led to a distressing experience with birth control pills and a referral to a psychiatrist. Normal results from blood work and pap smears continued, and it wasn't until a friend recommended a functional health practitioner that low cortisol and adrenal gland issues were identified, linked to chronic stress and inflammation. Even though I made strict dietary changes and took piles of high-grade supplements to treat my dis-ease naturally, lingering exhaustion, body aches, and anxiety persisted, leaving me puzzled about my body's signals.

As my search for answers continued, consistent lower back pain was becoming worse, disrupting my bedtime routine with yoga stretches and pain relief measures. Medical tests and physiotherapy provided no clear solutions and I relied on frequent massages and reflexology for temporary relief. The journey became a perplexing quest to understand the mysterious ailments affecting my physical and mental well-being.

In August 2023, a new chapter began in my health journey, marked by a watery vaginal discharge that gradually intensified, necessitating daily panty liners and eventually sanitary pads. I assumed it was hormone-related or linked to weakened pelvic muscles so I diligently engaged in Kegel exercises with no results. And still, the persistent lower back pain, sore hips and discomfort in my extremities persisted. The turning point came at the end of August when excruciating joint pain in my fingers, hands, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles, and toes prompted another doctor's visit. Elevated inflammation markers in bloodwork led to a double dose of anti-inflammatories, which alleviated the pain but revealed a peculiar Lupus result requiring further testing. The mention of a watery discharge with an unfamiliar smell led to a urine test and to a UTI diagnosis.

Nothing changed after a week of antibiotics so messaged the doctor and said what now? He asked me to swing by the lab to do a vaginal swab, the lab nurse who did the swab saw something while doing the swab, and alerted my doctor right away (before the results of the swab came out) that I urgently needed a VIAC (Visual Inspection with Acetic acid & Cervicography) Doctor called the next day to say I was booked to see the gynae at 5 pm and to swing past the clinic for my referral letter.

My gyne was surprised to see me and said I wasn't due for a pap smear so I gave him my letter requesting a VIAC. He took a bit of convincing to do the VIAC - he did a scan and felt around my groin and abdomen and signed off that there was nothing to report. I asked if he had done this VIAC as requested (I still didn't quite understand what it was) and he said there was no need so I demanded he did it as this is why was I sent here. He reluctantly showed me the photographs of what a normal and abnormal cervix looks like then prepared me for a VIAC. 

As soon as he opened me up he loudly stated in surprise "Oh! There is a Tumor!" These words are the last thing you think you will hear from your gynae, especially since I had been to him not even a year before and I wasn't due to be looked at down there for another year... Panic! Are you sure? What does it even mean? How long has it been there? Why is it there? Is it cancer? Am I going to die? I have small children! Will I be ok? What's next? What must I do? What can I do? He finished the VIAC quietly and answered with "It's a rapidly growing tumor measuring 5x6cm, highly likely it's cancer, it's a slow process so let's wait for biopsy results. It will take about 2 weeks before we advise and proceed further..." 

I also had a massive infection on the Tumor that had been festering for some time causing the watery discharge so did a few days of IV antibiotics while we waited for biopsy results. I keep thinking over and over again that if it weren't for that infection, I probably wouldn't have caught this in time as it had already spread to my lymph nodes.

I have to reiterate how important it is to be persistent with your doctors when you know something isn't right. Also, early detection is vital with cancer. There really should be more awareness about cancer that is not difficult to treat if found early. 

Thank you to all of you who have contributed, read my posts, and shared the love. There was a fundraiser for me in Victoria Falls and 100% of the proceeds will go towards upgrading the screening process in Victoria Falls for all my sisters there. I am so touched by the generosity and would love to pay it forward. 

My oncologist says most cancer patients continue to work as occupational therapy and it is important for mind, body and soul during this time. This will be my work and my way to make a contribution to my family and Victoria Falls on my path of recovery and healing - I can't think of a more inspiring way! If you do want to contribute you can "Buy me a coffee" :) 

If you can't contribute that's also OK! Please keep reading, take care of your body, go home hug your family and be grateful for every day you have together.



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