My TEDx Talk - Tackling Teenage Depressi ...

My TEDx Talk - Tackling Teenage Depression

Apr 05, 2024

My current mission started in 2017 officially after my TEDxTalk but got put on the back burner for a few years in 2018. The story behind my mission goes back a lot further, to the birth of my son, and his emotional struggles throughout childhood.

From a young age, he struggled with emotional dysregulation, suffered depression, and put up barriers against getting help, time and time again.

When he was nineteen, I was still spending 3 hours a time, regularly talking him out of the deepest, darkest depressions, when I realised he couldn't understand his emotions because he couldn't see them.

How could I overcome this?

Search YouTube for Teenage Depression, or Kay Reeve, and watch the ten minute talk to learn how helping my son, led to me becoming a speaker and an author.

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