Kaylee Gotsis
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Mastering the Art of Writing: Essential ...

Mastering the Art of Writing: Essential Tips from One Writer to Another.

Aug 14, 2023

Let’s deep dive into it — Advice for Articles, Blogs, Storytelling, and Personal Journals.

Oh, the Joy of the Basics.

A Quick Guide for Bloggers, Novelists, and Journaling Enthusiasts.

I’m sure this has happened to you more than once, you find yourself staring at a blank sheet of paper, or an empty screen, not sure where to begin. This article is here to help, I’ve got the tips for you to get back to it!

Let’s Face it, Writing Can Be So Hard, Even for Experienced Writers. Here are the Most Common Reasons:

Writer’s Block: This is a well-known challenge. This is when the writer has trouble or is unable to come up with ideas or put their thoughts into words.

Clarity: Translating thoughts into clean and coherent words can be tough in itself. This really means making sure the writer’s idea flows nicely and the reader can read along and follow their train of thought.

Maintaining Focus: I’m guilty of this one so badly. Writers can get easily distracted, especially on the computer. If you’re like me, sometimes that Sims4 app is so tempting to play.

Finding the Right Words: If it’s for titles or storytelling, the words matter. That’s what draws the reader in and keeps them there. And using the wrong ones will only drive them away.

Editing and Revising: Writing is more than words on paper; it’s also about refining and improving the work through the editing process. This is tedious and time-consuming, but it’s incredibly rewarding the more you do.

Time Management: Finding time to write, edit, and be creative can be hard. Especially balancing other responsibilities.

Self-Doubt: I’m also guilty of this one. Bad. And if you’re like me, doubting your ability and questioning your ideas, or comparing them to others, absolutely sucks. This can cause a lack of confidence in your work.

Okay, Now That I Explained the Problems, Let’s Go Over the Solutions!

Writer’s block… the bane of every writer’s existence.

But don’t worry, it happens to us all. Here’s what you can do to help:

  • Switch up your environment: changing your surrounding can do so good. Move to a different room, go on a stroll, or visit a coffee shop. Why do you think you see so many writers at them? This does wonders!

  • Take breaks: Step away from your writing. It’ll be there when you get back. Do a hobby you enjoyed, you need to refill your needs before getting back into it. Your mind will thank you.

  • Read: Sometimes reading your favorite book or researching a new topic could trigger some new ideas!

  • Talk it out: Talk about your ideas or about your struggles with a family member or a friend. This could have the ideas come out, or they may have a suggestion!

  • Write like shit: Pardon my language, but this would work. Write loosely, for fun, and don’t worry about grammar or anything! If it’s your first draft, don’t worry about the detail, just get it down. That’s what editing is for!

  • Reward yourself: Set up a reward system. Set up milestones and treat yourself when you hit them!

Clarity is essential for any writing. It delivers the story or message to the reader correctly. Here’s what you can do:

  • Know your message: Be sure you have a clear and firm understanding of what you want to convey in your writing. When you have a focused topic, it makes it easier for your reader to understand.

  • Use simple language: Sometimes it’s nice to sprinkle in some flowery writing but try to avoid unnecessary jargon and complex sentences. Try to keep things straightforward. Keep it going!

  • Organize your thoughts: Try to keep your writing structured. Use paragraphs and headings to break up your content and guide your readers. Much like the article you’re reading now!

  • Read it out loud: No joke, this is probably my favorite tip. You can find so much more awkward sentencing or flaws this way, much better than reading in your head.

  • Avoid vague terms: You have got to be clear, using vague terms can easily lead to confusion if the reader doesn’t understand.

  • Get feedback: Getting a fresh perspective can help improve the quality of your work, they can catch something you missed. That’s why people use the saying “Can you be my fresh pair of eyes?”. It works!

Maintaining focus! This advice will all be easier said than done if you’re like me and have such a hard time focusing. Thanks, ADD!

  • Set clear goals: Write down or keep track of your goals for that day. 2000 word count? Finish that chapter? Do an article? Keep it clear and get to it!

  • Eliminate distractions: Find what distracts you most and put it away. Or uninstall for a while. (I say uninstall because if you’re anything like me, The Sims 4, I will ALWAYS be distracted with.) You have to find your quiet space.

  • If you can’t have peace and quiet constantly, use music or white noise: Sometimes this can help you focus so experiment and find out what works best for you.

  • Stay organized: Keeping your area clean and organized will help you tremendously. Use a checklist for your tasks to keep it clear and easier for you to get done.

  • Single-tasking: Try to avoid multitasking, this can actually lead to a decrease in productivity and can ultimately be time-consuming when it doesn’t need to be.

  • Create a schedule: establish a daily or weekly schedule that creates time for your writing with the goals you have in mind.

Finding the right words will elevate your writing and make your readers love it! You’re writing style and how you write make you, YOU! Letting yourself use your right words will attract readers who like what YOU have to say.

We writers, as we work our way deeper into our craft, learn to drop more and more personal clues. Like burglars who secretly wish to be caught, we leave our fingerprints on broken locks, our voiceprints in bugged rooms, our footprints in the wet concrete. — Ross MacDonald

  • Read. A lot: This will help expand your vocabulary. Read books, articles, or honestly anything! Comics, Manga, anything!

  • Don’t be afraid to use the Thesaurus and Dictionary: I look up words all the time! Look up synonyms and antonyms, it can expand your writing so much!

  • Be specific: Instead of generic words, try more specific and descriptive words that can help paint the picture for your reader.

  • Eliminate wordiness: Avoid filler words, and trim down sentences to keep your writing clear and impactful. Of course, there are exceptions, like if you’re dramatizing a scene, flowery writing is great for that!

  • Be mindful of your tone: Be conscious of the tone you want to convey. Whether it’s formal, informal, humorous, or serious, the right words can set the tone effectively.

  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Like any skill, finding the right words improves with practice. Write regularly and challenge yourself to experiment with different language styles.

As tedious as this is, editing and revising are essential steps in the writing process to refine your work and ensure it’s polished and effective.

Let me give you some tips:

  • Take a break: After completing your first draft, step away from your writing for a while before starting the editing process. This break will give you fresh eyes and a clearer perspective!

  • Focus on structure: Check the overall structure and flow of your piece. Ensure that your ideas progress logically and cohesively from beginning to end.

  • Cut unnecessary content: Eliminate any redundant or irrelevant information that doesn’t contribute to the main message of your writing. If it doesn’t change your story or add more to your article, doesn’t need to be there.

  • Mind your punctuation: Pay attention to punctuation marks, such as commas, periods, and quotation marks. Proper punctuation enhances clarity and readability.

  • Avoid over-editing: While editing is crucial, be cautious not to over-edit to the point where you lose the essence of your original voice and message. Been there, done that.

  • Look for weak words: Identify weak or vague words and replace them with stronger, more precise alternatives.

If you want to maximize your productivity, time management is the key.

  • Set clear goals: Define your short-term and long-term goals. Knowing what you want to achieve will help you prioritize your tasks effectively.

  • Set realistic deadlines: Be honest with yourself about how long tasks will take. Set realistic deadlines to avoid feeling overwhelmed or rushing through your work.

  • Prioritize tasks: Focus on high-priority tasks first. Identify tasks that are urgent and important, and tackle them first!

  • Review and reflect: At the end of each day or week, review your progress and reflect on what worked well and what needs improvement. Adjust your time management strategies accordingly. This works great using a planner and writing it down, this will help you in the future!

  • Combine similar tasks: Group similar tasks together and work on them consecutively. This approach can improve efficiency and reduce mental switching!

  • Be flexible: Unexpected events may arise, causing disruptions to your plans. Be adaptable and make necessary adjustments to accommodate changes.

And remember, this is a skill. If you struggle with it, that’s okay. This will take time to learn!

Now, self-doubt is a very common problem everyone, not just writers, faces. So here are some tips to help with your writing when you’re facing this problem.

  • Acknowledge your feelings: Accept that it’s normal to experience self-doubt from time to time. Everyone, including successful writers, faces moments of uncertainty.

  • Identify triggers: Recognize situations, thoughts, or external factors that trigger self-doubt. Understanding your triggers can help you address them and face them head-on!

  • Remember your passion: Reconnect with your love for writing. Embrace the joy and fulfillment that comes from expressing yourself through words.

  • Avoid perfectionism: Understand that writing is a process of improvement. Perfectionism can paralyze creativity, so allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them.

  • Celebrate your progress: Acknowledge your growth and improvements as a writer. Reflect on how far you’ve come on your writing journey. Where were you a month ago? Do you see a difference? How about a year ago? You should be proud of yourself!

  • Seek professional help: If self-doubt significantly impacts your well-being or writing progress, consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor.

One Last Thing to Say.

In the end, writing is a journey of self-discovery and expression, no matter the format or medium. Overcoming these challenges is part of it. And when facing these, remember, every writer faces them. New and experienced!

Remember, be kind to yourself.

Celebrate the small victories.

Find your voice.

And keep on writing!

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