Well... new mod out there for you all to download, since writing here is like shouting to the air I'll just leave the description and a link to the various pages of the mod
Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/71453
Xbox: https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4281085
Idk who uses bethesda platform in PC but here you go for all you weirdos: https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4281084
This mod adds a unique shout to the game along with a very simple quest to obtain it.
The shout lets you transform into a dragon like creature and it comes with different classes, powers and a custom perk tree.
I've been a fan of dogtown1 Dragonborn Werewolf Replacer for a long time, and I used to mix the transformation with other mods to achieve the weredragon form, but when mixing mods like this you loose the objective of the original werewolf form and the were dragon is not as good as it can be, I mean it works but not quite how I would like.
So I made this.
Feral Dragon Avatar
I've invented the last word since we don't have a dragon word for "avatar" neither "form" or "aspect", AAN means "art" but here has the meaning of "avatar", so yea take it or leave it xD
The transformation is completely separated from the werewolf quest, you also are flagged as a dragon when transformed so you will trigger special dialogues when fighting foes (for example guards will shout "I'm going to kill you dragon" and such), also I've set the voicetype of the transformation so you no longer sound like a werewolf instead you sound like a dragon, this is also compatible with mods that change dragon voicetypes like Talkative Dragons, when you use your normal shouts you will say the words of power, because yes! you can use any shout in dragon form.
I've also crafted the dragon form so you can loot any corpse and chest in the game without having to turn back into human, but you can't equip any item or spell unless it's a shout or a power that uses the voice slot (so you can still use lesser powers). I've left open the window allowing also to use any potion you want just in case you want to pair this mod with animated dragon wings, because yes, both work along.
The transformation is completely centered in the shout mechanics so the more shouts you know the more powerful is your dragon form, it's also completely compatible with any shout overhaul, including more draconic dragon aspect and yes it will display the wings if you installed them and also since the fly power of flying mod beta is equippable in dragon form you should be able to fly with that mod installed, I've not tested the animations though but well... you know flying is always buggy so use at your own risk.
The weredragon uses similar mechanics the werewolf form uses, but overrides wolfy behavior and changes it for a more draconic behavior. You can still feast on corpses but you need to unlock the last perk so to advance in the perk tree you will need to use dragon souls instead of feeding on the living.
The quest:
The quest is super simple, and I want to keep it that way because at the end the objective here is to obtain the power.
So when you reach level 15 and have completed MQ104 (aka Dragon Rising) the quest will activate, the next time you sleep you will have a dream in which you will be transported to a cell with a hostile weredragon defeat him to obtain the shout, and that's it, you will return to mundus with the shout completely unlocked.
How the transformation works:
When using the first or second word a prompt message will appear asking you what would you like to do, choose your class or go to the perk room, each choice is explained with detail below.
When using the third word you will transform into a dragon and you will receive the benefits and disadvantages of your selected class (red dragon by default) along with your breath weapon (which works like any other shout).
To revert back to human form you can use either the lesser power added or use the 3rd word of the shout again.
You cannot travel to the perk room or choose your class when transformed.
When using the first and second word of the shout you gain access to the draconic perk tree. The perk tree is displayed in an empty cell utilizing a diegetic design similar on what you can find in the likes of LOTDB or Skills of the Wild but resembling vanilla Skyrim implementation, try it out and you will see what I mean. By outcome the perk tree is one hundred percent compatible with any perk overhaul and it works without technical issues in Skyrim AE.
Use the shout once and select "Show Perk Tree" to transport yourself to the perk tree CELL. Use the first word of the shout again inside the CELL to return to nirn.
Since this is a dragon centered mechanic it uses dragon souls instead of perks, also most of the effects scale with unused dragon souls so you have an incentive to kill dragons and to keep their souls, it's scaled to reasonable levels when you have between 1-100 dragon souls unspent, I've personally never hunted that many dragons in one single gameplay but for you cheaters out there that just want to smash everything if you add yourself an unreasonable amount of dragon souls and you will mostly kill everything with ease and have an enormous pool of health and stamina.
The Perks available are the following:
Feral Strength (1->5/5): Deal 1->2->3->4->5% more damage in dragon form for each dragon soul unspent.
Hardened Scales (1->5/5): Your scales are strong as steel, receive 5->10->20->30->50 armor points in dragon form for each dragon soul unspent.
Dragon Vigor (1/2): You have the vitality of a dovah, increase your stamina and health by 100 in dragon form.
Dragon Vigor (2/2): You have the vitality of a dovah, regenerate health and stamina faster in dragon form, your health and stamina scale by 5% for each dragon soul unspent in dragon form.
Voice Within(1->2/2): Your shouts recover 20->40% faster in dragon form.
Dovah Tonge (1->2/2): Your breath attack is 1->5% stronger for each dragon soul unspent.
Sharp Claws: Increase critical hit chance by 0.25% and critical damage by 2% for each dragon soul unspent.
Sillesejoor Feast: You can devour mortal souls to recover 100 points of health (activate the target while in dragon form to devour him).
When using the first or second word of the shout you can also choose a dragon type, this works like a class system, changing your abilities and the color of your draconic form.
The types are inspired in Pathfinder and you can choose the following:
Red Dragon(selected by default):
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Red dragons are known as the king of the chromatic dragons, and few creatures can match its avarice and cruelty.
Base Armor: 100
Fire Resistance +50%.
Frost Weakness 25%.
Fire Breath: on transformation you gain the ability to breath Fire.
Flaming Wounds: your power attacks deal fire damage and cause small explosions.
Red Scales: have a 10% chance to negate incoming melee damage.
Silver Dragon:
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Silver dragons are known to be the bravest of the dragons, determined to aid the weak, destroy evil, and always behave in a chivalrous and honorable manner.
Base Armor: 90
Frost resistance +50%.
Fire Weakness 25%.
Frost Breath: on transformation you gain the ability to breath ice.
Silver claws: your power attacks deal extra damage against the Undead and Daedra, and bleeding damage to living creatures.
Silver scales: have a 25% chance to absorb incoming spells.
Black Dragon:
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Black dragons are vicious swamp-dwelling and marsh-dwelling dragons that generally rule as undisputed masters of their watery domains.
Base Armor: 100
Disease and Poison Resistance +100%.
Shock Weakness 25%.
Acid Breath: on transformation you gain the ability to breath Acid.
Poisonous Claws: your power attacks poison foes.
Black Scales: have a 10% chance to absorb incoming spells.
Blue Dragon:
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Blue dragons are obsessive schemers and highly addicted to strict order.
Base Armor: 80
Shock Resistance +50%.
Frost Weakness 25%.
Plasma Breath: On transformation you gain the ability to breath Plasma dealing shock damage.
Shocking Nails: your power attacks deal shock damage that can jump to other targets.
Blue Scales: have a 25% chance to absorb incoming spells.
Bronze Dragon:
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Bronze dragons have been known to ally with travelers and adventurers if the cause and reward are both right and just.
Base Armor: 110
Damage Resistance +25%.
Shock Weakness 25%
Fire Breath: On transformation you gain the ability to breath Fire.
Flaming Wounds: your power attacks deal fire damage and cause small explosions.
Bronze Scales: have a 25% chance to reflect incoming melee damage.
Green Dragon:
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Green dragons breathe acid, live in temperate forests, and have a deep connection with nature. Green dragons can often be swayed by diplomacy.
Base Armor 80
Shock Resistance +50%.
Fire Weakness 25%.
Acid Breath: On transformation you gain the ability to breath Acid.
Poisonous Claws: your power attacks poison foes.
Green Scales: have a 25% chance to absorb incoming spells.
Time Dragon:
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Time dragons are immortal, powerful outer dragons who guard the universe's natural temporal order against interference.
Base Armor 60
Frost Resistance +100%.
Fire Weakness 25%.
Plasma Breath: on transformation you gain the ability to breath Plasma, dealing Shock damage.
Chilling Rend: your claws tear the fabric of time dealing unresistable frost damage with power attacks.
Time Traveler Scales: Slow Time Shout slows time 50% more and you can move freely at full speed when the time is slowed down.
Not a single Vanilla record has been touched in the making of this mod, I've also cleaned it with TESV edit, so should be compatible with any mod out there.
The only trouble you can experience that i can think of is if the mod in question changes Slow Time Shout, depending on the mod's modification this could be incompatible with Time Dragon "Time Traveler Scales" skill, it's very very unlikely though, I mean you will be able to move at full speed with 100% certainty but if the mod in question overrides the slow time shout to use a custom spell then the extra 50% reduction won't trigger. Which means that both mods will be compatible but the slow time reduction won't apply, when this happens... well it depends entirely on your mod list and you will have to figure it out yourself.
To dogtown1, original creator of the mesh and texture for the weredragon used in his mod DragonBorn Werewolf Replacer Player Only