Feb 14, 2025

☕️: ummm I think this is a dirty chai?

I think I got it! I think the project that I’m going to do… maybe on this platform?

probably not probably actually on Patreon now that I’m thinking about it which seems a little like a mixing my channels… let’s keep this post here for now.

😳… anyway…

📖 Storytime:

On one of my more recent trips back to Oahu. I was given this magazine by my first ever media mentor.

She told me to take it with me and just bring it back the next time because she knew she’d be seeing me again.

This was a very bold statement considering I had not seen her in many years and I now lived 5000 miles away.

She was right though.

I would be coming home. Months later. For our media reunion.

Oh Oahu… she keeps calling me back.

End game always includes Hawai’i.

And now Puerto Rico.

And also St. Thomas.

And Aruba and Trinidad and Tobago and the Philippines and Japan and Guam and every other island.

Because if we focus on islands, we focus on the planet if we start with Islanders, then we actually starting from everywhere.

The diaspora is real and the culture runneth deep.

I was sent here to remind us. I really believe that.

We are beyond the landmass and who we can be if we once again connect through the sea…

What does that look like in real life?

It looks like going to coffee shop reading this magazines front to back.

A slow read with an analysis through the lens of:

  • new media

  • slow tourism

  • island focused economics

Because like who doesn’t want to know about all that stuff, right?

I’m kidding - this is niche and I get that however I also know that there are 400 million to 1 billion Islanders on this planet.

I also know that we are in the midst of a great wealth transfer in which multi trillions of dollars are being exchanged through generations.

The creator economy itself is set to grow to $500 billion but I think we can push it to that trillion mark if we get the right tools in the right hand of the right islanders at the right time which just so happens to be …

Right now 🥹

Ya dig?

*runs to finish affiliate link program for dissolving coffee packets

Let’s get to reading.

(I kept the magazine)


Jupiter F. Stone

Digital Coffee Gangster

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