I tried to go to my regular local coffee shop and they were closed so I walked down the street and saw my secondary choice was rather packed… probably because the first one was closed.
Honestly, I given up and thought about just going home and making some tea when I walked past a shop that I had only ever been to once before.
Well I’m addicted to coffee again so obviously I went in.
I had been sitting there outside for about 30 minutes.
I had my coffee and my breakfast (which I would soon kick over - at least I got the pic) and I was jamming out to, “Dale Gas” by Snow Da Product when… a familiar face appeared in the upper third of my vision.
Someone I had met the night before in a bar walked straight up to me with a big smile on his face.
He was with a friend and his friend had a very cute dog who I would soon learn all about.
Apparently smile guy had sent me a DM on Instagram asking if I wanted to get coffee. I didn’t actually see the message but clearly the universe wanted it to be so.
His friend is fascinating. Born in the 60s doesn’t look a day over 35. Wonderful stories.
Million dollar connections.
This keeps happening to me, people in the realm of finance or connected to people who are financially well off or really well off themselves.
It’s not lost on me considering I set an intention for this year to be a year of effortless power, and that remains to be true for me even amongst all of the chaos that is happening at a macro level - on a micro level I feel pretty aligned.
So why did I go to my friends bar last night and meet a random bartender that I would run into the next day at a coffee shop?
Idk, but considering how important coffee has become in my life I am curious.
Was this destiny?
Or do I just live in a small town on an island?
Hmm… I’ll keep you updated.
Content Farmer
Digital Coffee Gangsta