I just wanted to let you know about some changes I'm making to my Buy Me A Coffee page. I've had my very modest page for almost a year and it's helped me cover some costs around art supplies and print work. To say thanks, I published a new digital artwork every month that members could download and use in whatever way they wanted. I'm so grateful to everyone who signed up to be member and helped me out that way!
But it's been super stressful coming up with new digital artworks every month and I've felt really worried and guilty that I wasn't providing enough 'value' for my members, which is very silly considering this was meant to take a little bit of pressure off me as an artist.
So with that in mind, I will no longer be making a digital artwork every month. I totally understand if this means members want to cancel their membership and I totally support whatever decision makes sense to you.
Instead of digital artworks, I'll use funds from this Buy Me A Coffee page to run more local, free sign-painting sessions and other in-person events! It was so fun to meet up with likeminded folks in my community to paint signs for rallies we cared about and it felt good to be able to produce a resource that could benefit others. (The signs we painted for the Refugee Action Collective rally in Melbourne a couple weeks ago are now on their way to a Canberra action next week!)
From now on, I'll use this newsletter to share wholesome pics from these working bees and to let you know about future events you are supporting (and can attend!). I hope you're able to come along to future free workshops that I'll be running. It's a fun way to meet me and other progressive artsy folks in our community.
Hope this sounds good to you and you come along for the ride!