You will get a full and HONEST review of your film.
My reviews are always fair and fully take into account things like budget.
The review will appear exclusively on
And if you like
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Horror Request (
If you would like me to review your horror related product I would be happy to.
As long as it is horror related, I can review Movies, Games, Toys or Books.
I am always fair and honest in my reviews, and the review will appear ...See more
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Article / Press Release - (
Want me to cover your TV show or project? Then you can commission me to write an article for you, or to publish an article based on your press release.
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Review of your video game (
You will get a full and HONEST review of your video game.
My reviews are always fair and fully take into account things like budget, if the game is developed by someone on their own or if part of a large team.