Passage 19 – The Song of The Machines

Passage 19 – The Song of The Machines

Dec 20, 2021

Jacquard Adams and Danylo Pravyk are working by the Bahur Factory engines, one darkly one palely glowing in the close, red heat. Danylo Pravyk is sweating into his work suit of thick wool despite having set aside the heavy grey jacket, and rolled up his shirt sleeves.

DANYLO PRAVYK : I hate this bloody job. I’d rather be back at the school.

JACQUARD ADAMS : Are you right, young’un?

DANYLO PRAVYK : Right as summer rain. If the rain were ice cold. And bouncing off the pavement. Falling in great stair rods, never mind cats and dogs. Or great big icicles. I'm that right, I'm perfect.

JACQUARD ADAMS : That's not right.

DANYLO PRAVYK : And she's wasting her chance. She could go to the Grammar. But what does the idiot do? She wants to work the factory with us. And manage the floor.

JACQUARD ADAMS : That's good, clean work!

DANYLO PRAVYK : Psh! But she could have so much more. So much more that I wish I could have. Grammar school and university. A job in another city. Away from the coal smoke.

JACQUARD ADAMS : You want, not her.

DANYLO PRAVYK : What I want is better. Better than the floor job, much better than moving coal. I will never be clean. Lesya should never be covered in factory dirt.

JACQUARD ADAMS : Her choice, en't it?

DANYLO PRAVYK : But she made the wrong choice. That chance is lost forever.

JACQUARD ADAMS : Ach, there'll be others!

He finds the work rhythm. But Danylo's anger is fast, speeding from pile to furnace, faster than the factory needs and pulling his colleagues off their own strides unless Jacquard pushes back stronger.

JACQUARD ADAMS : There was a pirate known as Flynn

Who stole a boy from the Seraphim

But Sonny Jim was really Jan

Daughter of the sunk cap'n

And the love of second mate Jack Tar

Who followed like she was his star

And he chased them both across the seas

To set that beautiful young girl free.

Oh Flynn, Jack and Jim were three fine sailors

Oh the finest of the finest sailors

Our jolly Jack Tar and his Sonny Jim

Though Sonny Jim was Jan who just wanted Flynn.

Now the Seahawk was the fastest sloop

And her crew was the best pirate troupe

But our Jack Tar was determined to catch

So to get his stolen lover back

In the Raffa Isles he found the crew

On leave and doing as sailors do

Exactly as our fine Sonny Jim

Who was crying out for Captain Flynn.

Oh Flynn, Jack and Jim were three fine sailors

Oh the finest of the finest sailors

Our jolly Jack Tar and his Sonny Jim

Though Sonny Jim was Jan who just wanted Flynn.

DANYLO PRAVYK : Oh be quiet! That bloody song is horrible.

But Jacquard Adams can only smile and sing more loudly, as Danylo's pace slows to match the machines.

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