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Teratak Repo is born

Teratak Repo is born

Jun 14, 2022


This is truly for education purposes and to make it as library for people to learn in 1 place.


Teratak Repo is a compilation of ebook/source that were shared by Najoe. Most probably the content direction would be direct to Information Technology domain. Therefore, It is opensource and available to view (applicable to all domain). In special cases, unless it is stated with a price tag under Najoe special section. Content are chargeable. Eitherwise, all content are free accessible and reachable.


Come with 2 languages and each languages might have disparity on the content as most original were actually belong to the respective language, either English (EN) and Malay (MY) languages.

Therefore, Najoe will try his best on shared this ebooks/source outreach people. Because, knowledge is gold.

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