Reading up on the Corona Virus (proper name Covid-19) I found myself trawling around the same links. Some of which are good for a daily view, others update often enough to keep open and refresh and others I found useful when a question pops into my head.
As I'm in London, England my reading is pretty UK centric and being of Irish origin I check on what's happening for my rellies there too. Plus it's hard to ignore how the US is dealing with the situation. Especially when you have an infant child in an adult body in charge!
So I created this link of the most useful links I use and return to...
It doesn't include jokes, spoofs or conspiracy theories as I don't think they are relevant right now as this is a actual proper serious matter. I hope you find them equally useful. :)
As I write this my links include
Wikipedia - Coronavirus disease 2019
BBC - Corona Explainers
The Guardian (newspaper) - Corona Virus live
Medium - Corona Virus Topic
Washington Post - 'Flatten the curve' feature
YouTube - 'Corona Virus' Filter
The Irish Times - Corona Virus
Independent Newspaper Ireland
New York Times Updates - Corona Virus
Reuters - Health
Taking something seriously isn’t the same as panicking. It’s time to stop mocking coronavirus
worldometers - Corona Virus in numbers
Wikipedia - 'Spanish Flu' (History of) (1918)