JJ Mego
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💰🌎📰 Referral World News for the Week ...

💰🌎📰 Referral World News for the Week of 2/5/23

Feb 05, 2023

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Lili Closing Inactive Accounts

Did you sign up for Lili last year or prior, when they were offering impressive signup bonuses? If so, and you haven't used your Lili account in some time, you may want to check your emails. I received the email below this morning because of several months of inactivity. If you received this email and want to keep your account open - in case they ever bring back a referral bonus promotion, for example - you can do like I did and transfer $1 in from your linked bank. This should bring your account back to an active state and keep your Lili account open.

Updates on Exceed (Cashing out, Lower Bonuses)


As reported yesterday, a new app and promotion went viral, called Exceed. Yesterday, they were offering $20 referral bonuses (up to $400). On their referral page, it was stated that the $20 was a limited time offer - only until midnight PST - and would be lowering afterwards. They followed through with this and lowered the bonuses from $20 to $10, however they kept the cap at $400 for what each referrer can earn.

Additionally, more info has come to light about when the Exceed referral bonuses bonuses can be claimed and cashed out. According to these email screenshots floating around Referral World, bonuses will be claimable once their first mini-IPOs go live, which they anticipate to occur in early March. Once you claim the bonuses, you can invest in these mini-IPOs and then sell and cash out if you wish.


Brand New Opportunity: Exceed


Another new app/promotion hit Referral World today, called Exceed. This offers $20 referral bonuses, up to $400. And, according to their referral screen, the $20 offer lowers tonight at midnight eastern time (9pm PST).

For this one, you just need to sign up and verify your email, and enter your SSN to verify your identity. No ID required. No deposits or anything like that required. This opportunity is considered TESTING, although I've already seen proof of a $20 being given to a fellow referral marketer.

Payout proof courtesy of Michellee Renee

SuperCash Promo is Over (for now)

SuperCash, one of the latest viral promotions, ended yesterday. We've seen this with quite a few apps in the past. I've seen payout proof from a few referral marketers. I'm still waiting on my signup and referral bonuses.

Perhaps the promo will return once they resolve their app and promo issues, including:

  • Their referral page states that one purchase within 15 days was required, but their onboarding screen, terms, and customer support all stated it was actually five purchases within 30 days;

  • The website version doesn't support adding funds via debit card but the app does;

  • The onboarding screen progresses to "make 5 purchases" once the $5 is deposited, but as soon as the balance hits $0, it goes back to the "deposit funds" step as if the purchases didn't happen (I'm still waiting on my bonus, hopefully it comes through).

I will update this blog if anything changes before Sunday.


Brand New App, SuperCash!


It's been a minute since we've seen any great new banking apps. SuperCash just hit Referral World, today, and looks promising.

There's a $20 signup bonus and $20 referral bonuses, up to $200 max. No ID required, only the last four digits of your social. To trigger the bonus, just deposit $5 (it's possible that there's no minimum deposit amount, but $5 has been verified to work). It comes with a virtual debit card (Mastercard). Make any purchase to trigger the bonus, no minimum amount required (you can reload your Amazon gift card balance with $1 to trigger, for example).

Bonus posts to your account within 2-3 business days, once triggered.

I just signed up for SuperCash today and will post payout proof once the bonus hits my account. Until then, this is considered to be TESTING.


Welcome Back, RWN!

Can you believe that the last edition of RWN was Thanksgiving weekend? Up until then, I'd been creating these RWN blogs weekly. I'd taken a few weeks off from Referral World in general after Thanksgiving, and a series of personal and health events made it difficult to allocate time to the blog. The great news is that Referral World News is back and committed to providing you with consistent, relevant news as it relates to Referral World!

Watch out for those ResClub Subscription Fees

If you happened to jump on the viral ResClub train last week, you'll want to be sure and cancel your subscription if you don't plan on keeping it. If you haven't heard of it, yet, ResClub is an MLM company that operates in the real-estate niche. They went viral last month with their "Pay $19.95 and get up to $200 for every three people you refer" promotion. I didn't personally sign up, though I hear many people made bank with this promotion.

This month, many people have experienced "sticker shock" as their bank accounts were hit with a $50 fee. If you are one of these people, or if you haven't been charged, yet, be sure to cancel your subscription if you're not actively promoting and getting benefit from the program.

Two Great Banking Promos are Back (For a Limited Time)

Two of my biggest earners last year were both banking apps: DCU and Upgrade

DCU is a Massachusetts-based credit union that has a fantastic $100 signup bonus, $50 unlimited referral bonus promotion running.

Upgrade is an app-based bank with a great $50 signup bonus, $50 referral bonus promotion (up to 10 referrals).

Both of these are among the best banking promos out there, right now, because there is no direct deposit requirement, and no minimum spend requirement to trigger the bonuses. For DCU, you just need to make five purchases with your debit card within a calendar month, and for Upgrade, you only need to make three purchases. Last year, I triggered both these bonuses by reloading my Amazon gift card balance with $1 (five times for DCU, and three times for Upgrade). Both bonuses posted to my account within 2 business days. Even more, I was able to earn $2,100 in referral bonuses with DCU, and both my fiancé and I maxed out our referral bonuses for Upgrade.

You can read more about both banking promotions here. You can also see other great banking promotions I've featured here.

Webull's Penny Promo is Back!


Last month, Webull shocked Referral World as they changed the "penny deposit" promotion they'd had for several months - if not years - and raised it to a whopping $100 deposit requirement. It seems they learned their lesson, because the penny deposit promotion is back this month!

If you've read any previous RWN editions, you know that Webull one of my favorite apps to refer - if not my favorite - due to their generous signup and referral bonuses. And you don't even need to know anything about the stock market. I knew next to nothing about stocks or investing back when I signed up. What I do know, though, is that simply by signing up and referring Webull to others, I've earned nearly $10K last year, and of that is the $3,000 reward in Tesla stocks that I received from a single referral in November! And mind you, I didn't even refer Webull a few of those months.

Webull's current promotion is similar to pre-January promotions, and ends 2/15 (another promotion will start on 2/16, hopefully with the same penny requirement). You get a guaranteed $34 just for signing up and depositing a penny. And if you refer it, you'll get up to 20 shares of Google stock ($104 minimum value, up to over $2K value) for your first and third referrals. Every other referral will get you 15 fractional shares of various stocks, each valued at $3+. Every one of those referral rewards is a guaranteed $45, and potentially much, much more.

Simply click here to email me if you're interested. I'm happy to give more info on Webull and guide you through the easy signup steps.

Happy Birthday Week, Brett!

A quick shout out to Brett, whose birthday is this Wednesday (2/8). Happy birthday week, Brett!

Recap of Last RWN Edition's News:

  • Tornado Modified Referral Links;

  • Upgrade Referral Promotion Paused (2/5 note: they rebooted it);

  • Fetch’s $4 Holiday Promotion Ended (2/5 note: now $2, use code XRGUGB);

  • The Afterparty;

  • Hopper Saved me $780 on my Hotel Booking (code johnm8e4);

  • Nearside shut down;

  • Rhove ended in December;

  • TheTenn turned out to be TheZero;

Have a Referral News Tip?

Please send me an email if there's any new app/referral news you think I should know about and/or would like to see featured in Referral World News! And if you're a subscriber, and it's an app I don't have, yet, I just may surprise you by including your link in the featured article!

And, As Always, Be Sure To Check Out...

Check out my profile, where you can follow me and find my latest posts! You can also find more of my referrals at https://invt.co/@johnmego. And if you haven't signed up for BuyMeACoffee and/or Invitation yet, please use my referral links below to sign up:

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