JJ Mego
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⚠️ Latest Smart Desktop AI News (and Leg ...

⚠️ Latest Smart Desktop AI News (and Legitimacy Concerns)! ⚠️

Aug 29, 2024

9/20/24: SDAI released another announcement on the website dashboard. Key takeaways:

1) An undisclosed private equity firm acquired the IP rights to SDAI's software.
2) A team member got sick.
3) There's no product (but SDAI claims there will be an API soon).
4) The SDAI Telegram and Skool groups will be discontinued.
5) Payments SHOULD start arriving via ACH transfer beginning today at 12 pm EDT.

In addition to the screenshot below, there's a spot on the form where you can update your ACH routing and account numbers. The fields are blank; in an update from July/August, they said they had the information but left the fields blank for privacy/security purposes. So, while I'm not sure if you need to re-enter the routing and account numbers, you'll want to if the information has changed or if you didn't submit it previously.

9/18/24: If you've been waiting for the next excuse update from SDAI, you won't be disappointed! Yesterday, SDAI updated the popup notification on the member dashboard and is once again flipping the script in terms of how and when members will supposedly be getting paid. In this latest update, SDAI claims that USA payments over $500 will be sent via ACH (bank) transfer and are expected to be delivered by 9/20 at 12 PM EDT. According to them, payments under $500 will be sent via check. This is also the first time a claim has been made for international payments, stating that Wise payments will be sent out Friday morning. At the time of this update, neither Corey or Scotty have shared the latest SDAI update in the Telegram or Skool groups despite it being released yesterday.

For anyone keeping a running tab, you may recall:

1) 8/12/24 - SDAI first claimed they have transferred all US 1st-tier payments via ACH, claimed they were successfully sent, and we'd receive payment by 8/17. No payments were received by members.

2) 8/19/24 - SDAI announced around 8/19 that their legal team would be handling all payments.

3) 8/27/24 - SDAI announced around this date that checks would be mailed out (instead of ACH) and did not mention what happened to the supposed ACH transfers from 8/12.

4) 9/4/24 - SDAI claimed all checks were mailed out to US members who submitted their address by the 8/30 deadline.

It's 9/18, and by all accounts, nobody's received payment. So, while I hope SDAI is being truthful this time, I'm not holding my breath.

Below is a screenshot taken this morning:

9/6/24: Well, it's Friday. We were told on Wednesday that checks were mailed out Tuesday and we should receive them by today. The mail came today and, shocker, there was no check. Maybe the post office flagged all the checks since they were sending out so many? SMDH.

Something tells me that their announcement about "the future of the company" will be that there is no future for the company.

I'll keep you posted as I learn more.

9/4/24: New SDAI announcement posted in the Telegram chat this morning:

9/3/24: An SDAI announcement was posted in the Telegram chat this morning:

8/28/24: Finally, an announcement from SDAI. Here's the screenshot from Corey Price:

If you choose to provide your address and phone, they want you to submit it by Friday at 5PM EDT (2PM PDT). Ysterday, I stated I wouldn't be submitting my information until there was substantive information provided by SDAI. I feel this latest "announcement" giving us a by-when date and another promise of when we will supposedly be getting paid is more of the same from SDAI, where they're kicking the can to "next week" while needing more personal information from us.

We still have no idea who's behind SDAI. No idea who the million dollar investors are. No working/finished product. No disclosed owner(s). No information was disclosed on the "legal team". No progress was made to their wireframe website (aside from correcting the glaring typos there for weeks). Not a single screenshot to any of the numerous claims SDAI has been making for over a month.

I'm not the only one who's been suspicious of this company and Corey Price's role in it. I shared this link on 8/14 but it's worth the read (both the post itself and the comments): Smart Desktop AI Review: Automated spam pyramid scheme.

8/28/24: If you scroll down to my 8/4 updates, you'll see where my gut told me something was wrong with all of this. 24 days later, and my gut is screaming at this point. I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist, but SDAI has made zero attempts to ease our fears in recent weeks. What's been the norm the past week is piling on baseless claims and empty promises. For instance, we were told there would be an announcement on Monday. Then we were told there'd be an announcement today. Now, we're being told that there will be an announcement tomorrow. Meanwhile, they made sure to add a popup to their wireframe of a website that urges us to supply our name, address, and phone number. Why? Even though SDAI told us two weeks ago that our money was in transit to our banks, they seemingly hoped we'd forgotten that, as they told us last week that they'd be mailing out checks instead and need these details.

In my 8/4 update, I voiced my concerns after reading an article about what someone can do with your bank account and routing number. According to Experian, this includes fraudulently withdrawing/transferring money from your account, creating fake checks, claiming your tax return, and committing other forms of financial fraud.

So, a company that only needed our email addresses to sign up told us they needed our bank account and routing numbers. They're telling us they need our full names, addresses, and phone numbers. With all this information, what's stopping them from creating fake checks with our exact name, address, and bank info? What's stopping them from paying us with funds from each others' bank accounts, assuming they ever pay us? The only thing they haven't asked of us (yet) is our social security number.

I have not provided SDAI with my address. And until I start seeing something—anything of substance—coming from this company other than excuses, baseless claims, and more demands of what WE need to provide THEM for THEM to pay US, I will not be providing this information. I encourage you to think long and hard before giving up this information as well. We all want this to be legitimate and to come to fruition (and be paid for our efforts), but at what cost?

Email me and let me know your thoughts!

8/27/24: It's been eight days since the last SDAI Telegram chat update, and still no payments. There have also been no new Telegram announcements. Corey Price shared a few announcements in his Fundwise Skool group - the last on 8/24 - but has also been quite active in deleting most comments he doesn't consider "constructive" and even disabling comments altogether.

The biggest SDAI update is regarding yet another hurdle the company now requires of affiliates waiting to be paid. If you log into your SDAI account, you'll get a popup asking for your name, address, and phone number, telling us they'll now be mailing out checks. There is no explanation whatsoever as to what happened to the supposed payments that were transferred to our bank accounts 1-2 weeks ago. The popup also claims there will be an announcement tomorrow (Wednesday), though the company previously said there would be announcements on Monday and Tuesday (which didn't happen).

At this point, I'm at a loss. With each new excuse and requirement, I feel the likelihood of us never being paid is increasing. I'm not submitting this newly required information from them until I see something more substantive coming from SDAI.

In related news, an anonymous source spoke with Corey and shared screenshots of the two's recent chat. This person's comment(s) were deleted from Corey's post where the source asked about payments, proof, etc., but Corey contacted the person and replied to the questions asked. According to the screenshots, Corey claimed to have zero affiliation with SDAI and went on to say he was working SDAI's original developer/creator, that he had Zoom calls with the developer and saw the code, but that SDAI was turned over to some unknown private equity company. Corey doesn't think SDAI is a scam but thinks the company grew too fast and is trying to get it under control. He also claims that his aiprofit.ai company is entirely separate and intended to promote and profit off of Smart Desktop AI by charging a "package" for $97/month. Once SDAI changed its business model, Corey stated he canceled and refunded all aiprofit.ai subscriptions but was/is still selling a monthly "Go High Level" subscription. Corey provided no specifics when asked for the names of the developer, the investors, or anybody connected to SDAI, but did disclose that the product isn't completed (something many affiliates suspected after seeing our SDAI dashboards).

More articles and youtube videos have been published if you're interested, including:

Once again, Corey Price is claiming that he's "just an affiliate like the rest of us", despite being listed as the cofounder in several articles on the web (such as this one). And once again, more questions are raised than answers given. Who owns SDAI? Who does the AI team consist of? What happened to the Chase payments we were told last week hit a road bump but were processed successfully last week? Where is a single piece of evidence - a screenshot from Chase, etc. - that any of these claims are legitimate? If this is legitimate and they're not just scamming all of us, why do we have to jump through yet another hurdle and reach out to them once again to get paid?

In the announcement, they also said it would take a few weeks to process. More carrot dangling.

For any of you who paid for the Skool membership ($2/month for the Smart Desktop AI group), you may want to consider canceling that if you don't want to be charged again while you wait for SDAI to do the right thing and pay what is owed.

8/16/24 Update 1: Surprise Surprise. Another day, nobody received any payments from SDAI as they promised in their last announcement, despite their announcement yesterday that we'd be receiving payments today. Folks are rightfully upset, feeling more and more like this is just another scam. Similar to the Facebook group chat I reported on 8/4, there is a fair amount of gatekeeping in the SDAI Skool group, where questions are being met with, "maybe you should move on with your life" and other snarky comments. And though I'm not in the skool group myself - because I'm not about to pay $2/month to be fed a bunch of excuses - a few members have reported their comments asking about payments being deleted, and at least one member was removed from the group.

Another thing to note: Research cites Corey Price as the owner of Smart Desktop AI. According to him, though, he's "just the messenger" and an affiliate marketer the same as everyone else. Nothing has been disclosed by Corey, Brad or anyone else regarding who the company's owners are, and though they've made various claims (including the latest of Chase flagging their account and causing the delay in payments, they've released no screenshots or anything that would support these claims.

8/16/24 Update 2: Corey Price just made a post in the public Fundwise school group asking anyone who's received commissions to comment. Replies of "no" are being deleted.

Jasmine's second comment above was also deleted, as evidenced in the most recent screenshot below:

8/16/24 - Update 3: It's 5:30 pm PDT, and not one person has received a payment to my knowledge. And it looks like the 💩is hitting the fan over on Skool, with Corey and Scotty both distancing themselves from SDAI, evidenced by their latest announcements on Telegram and Skool.
Scotty Mercker's 8/5 "The Smart Desktop Team" vs. 8/16 "Telegram Admins" signature

Corey Price's 8/15, "The Smart Desktop AI Team" vs 8/16 "Skool Admins" signatures on Skool

Affiliates have been continuing to voice their concerns and grievances, and the Skool group admins have continued removing comments and banning members from the SDAI Skool group (a group each member paid $2/month membership to join. I happened to catch this post in the Fundwise Skool group which has not been removed (yet):

Perry makes a great point: Corey, the creator of the SDAI school group, charged members $2/month, and if what Perry/Tammy say is correct, he and his admin crew have pulled in over $40,000 in just a month. One might argue that this has been quite the racket.

I suspect we'll know for sure one way or the other come Monday. If there's still no payment and no proof of disbursement attempts from Corey, Scotty, or anyone else from SDAI, we can safely assume this was one big scam. If that turns out to be the case, and you submitted your bank's routing and account number to SDAI - which was a requirement for verifying accounts and receiving payment - you may want to consider contacting your bank to inform them of what went down, and change your account number. As a reminder from my 8/4 reporting below: the bank information we submitted went directly to SDAI, NOT a reputable third-party processor such as Stripe or Plaid. There's no telling what SDAI might do with this information, but according to Experian, things they COULD do include fraudulently withdrawing/transferring money from your account, creating fake checks, claiming your tax return, and committing other forms of financial fraud.

8/16/24 Update 4: I revisited aiprofit.ai which I reported on in my "8/14 Update 2" article below. Checking their terms and conditions, a Provo, Utah address is listed. That address appears to belong to Regus - a working/coworking rental space. Additionally, the email address listed in the same section of the terms for aiprofit.ai is [email protected] (Corey Price is the co-founder of Fundwise). While Corey claimed today that he's "just an affiliate like the rest of us," that doesn't appear to be the case.

8/15/24 Update 1: Still no payment. A vague, short announcement in the Telegram chat states that a substantive "positive" announcement will be made later today.

Good Morning SDAI affiliates,

Just wanted to let you know that  there will be an update (positive) from the development team in a few hours. And to please remain calm, commissions are still on track. Let’s keep it positive and know that things are working in the background.

Thank you

Kind Regards,
The Smart Desktop AI Team

8/15/24 Update 2: I want to clarify that I was incorrect in a previous update where I believed the SDAI owner was out of Iceland. I based this assumption on the WHOIS information for the SDAI domain, but that information belongs to namecheap, the domain provider SDAI uses. Since they purchased domain privacy protection, the address and phone are that of namecheap, not SDAI.

8/15/24 Update 3: SDAI released another announcement in the Telegram chat. Copy/pasted towards the bottom of this post. According to them, Chase flagged their account due to the number of transactions going out. SDAI claims that that issue has been resolved with the 8/10 disbursements and we should expect to receive payments tomorrow (8/16). They expect that the 8/17 disbursement will also get flagged for review, so we should expect delays with those payments as well.

8/14/24 Update 1: Another day with no payment or updates from SDAI.

Also, thank you to the folks who contacted me and let me know they signed up through me but are missing from my list. I've forwarded your names and emails to SDAI and let them know. Fingers crossed, our efforts aren't for nothing.

If you haven't done so yet, please look at the screenshot below (8/12/24 - Update 2), and if you don't see your name in the list (screenshot) below, please email me at [email protected] and let me know your full name ASAP and email so I can let them know!

8/14/24 Update 2: Still no word from SDAI on their Telegram chat, nor their Skool group from what I hear. I decided to do some more research online about them. I found a few articles so far, including:

In the first article, I learned that Smart Desktop AI references Corey Price - out of Utah - as the owner of Smart Desktop AI. And he's apparently also behind Fundwise.

According to the first article, SDAI is also known as AI Profit. https://aiprofit.ai/. The landing page has a short video that talks about a monthly $29 fee for a "marketing suite." I'm not sure, offhand, how this relates to what we were promised during signup, as the only thing shared with us was a "$20 one-time fee" that was waived and is free to join. Perhaps this will be included in the next round of announcements (assuming we ever get paid).

I also learned in the second article that skool, a site SmartDesktop charges members a $2 monthly fee to join their group on the site, is becoming more known for hosting illegal pyramid schemes.

8/14 Update 3: I'm still digging around the internet to see what I can uncover. I found the links for Smart Desktop AI and also for Fundwise. SDAI's Skool group charges to join (we knew this). The creator of that Skool group is Scotty Mercker. A quick internet search reveals his Instagram page, where he has been promoting this scheme/scam (most recently on 7/29).

I also found Corey Price's Skool profile. Based on his feed, he's been responding to people with questions about SDAI. Surprisingly, not one person has asked about the status of the payments and why nobody has received payment yet. But it's nice to know there IS a way to contact him since the Telegram chat doesn't allow replies from members. Corey's most recent reply was four hours ago.

8/12/24 - Update 1: Well, it's Monday, and despite SDAI announcing that payments would start posting to our banks today, nobody I've spoken with has received a payment. It's possible that 1-3 business days would apply here, and it might take longer since SDAI is international. It's also possible, of course, that SDAI didn't issue any payments. We'll see.

8/12/24 - Update 2: Smart Desktop AI made another Telegram announcement today. In it, they state that they're still working on processing referrals and payments. They've also asked us to check our referral tracking and, if there are people we referred who aren't on your list, to email them at [email protected] by this Wednesday (8/14) at 5 PM EDT. You'll need to supply them with the following:
-Your Name and Affiliate ID#
-Your Affiliate's Name and Email Address. 

If you signed up through me and you don't see your name in the list (screenshot) below, please email me at [email protected] and let me know your full name ASAP and email so I can let them know!

I've pasted the full announcement towards the bottom of this post.

8/10/24: Today's the day that's been promised as payday since SDAI hit Referral World. Several affiliates, including myself, now have a dollar amount in the "pending commissions" section of the dashboard. According to SDAI's latest Telegram chat announcement, they have processed some commissions... as of right now, only tier-1 commissions from US affiliates who submitted their banking info and whose referrals also submitted theres. They stated they're working to get the rest of the commissions out on 8/17. And they relayed that today's payments should start hitting folks' bank accounts on Monday.

I've already seen some posts on Facebook saying, "Payments are dropping," which I hope is true. I assume we'll know one way or the other come Monday. As far as I'm aware, nobody has received payments yet. Best of luck to us all!

The full announcement is pasted towards the bottom of this post. And if you feel comfortable verifying your account (and providing banking info to them), here is the info you'll need to include if you signed up through me:

Sponsor Code: 288816
Sponsor First Name: John
Sponsor Last Name: Megowan

8/9/24 Updates - SDAI posted two announcements yesterday (8/8) and this morning. Announcements are pasted towards the bottom of this post. Summed up, SDAI speaks again on the number of what they consider to be fake accounts, self-refers, etc. They also stated that the referral program is on pause until further notice, and nobody should be promoting it right now because people can't sign up. They also stated that referees who do not enter their banking info will not be considered valid and their referrers will not earn commissions for their signups. And lastly, they speak of the 8/10 pay date, and after that time, folks can contact them regarding missing payouts. From the sounds of it, referrers may need to include the information of any missing payouts.

When asked my current thoughts on SDAI, I've told them, "expect the worst, hope for the best." As I've stated before, I have concerns about SDAI's legitimacy due to the facts that they're a foreign entity, they're requiring bank accounts and routing numbers even from folks who have no plans to refer SDAI themselves. As of yet, I still haven't seen an actual product. There's been talk about how investors invested a million dollars into SDAI because it's so incredible, yet I've seen no mention of who these investors are. And with these latest announcements, it sounds like a whole lot of folks may not be getting paid with the excuse of "we couldn't verify your referrals."

As I've mentioned before, I hope I'm wrong.

8/7/24 8 PM Update - SDAI posted another announcement today. Talks about how the response has been overwhelming and it's been "all hands on deck" to process the signups and referrals. They also stated that they'll be doing a second payment this month on 8/17, and they expect at this point that they'll hit the 8/10 goal as well. Full announcement is towards the bottom of this post.

8/7/24 - SDAI posted a second announcement yesterday (I didn't see it until this morning). Announced copy/pasted towards the bottom of this post. In the announcement, they asked anybody who cannot log in to email them at [email protected]. They also asked that you only email them regarding login issues, not anything else.

I also got clarification from another referrer today that with the referral program paused until further notice, new signups are being directed/added to a waitlist. I'm unclear whether waitlisted signups will be automatically added or just notified when they can sign up. I also don't know whether the referral link will be tracked properly from the waitlist.

8/6/24 - I've pasted the latest Telegram chat announcements from Smart Desktop AI - aka SDAI - towards the bottom part of this post.


SDAI has paused the referral promotion while they verify existing signups/referrals. I recommend that anybody sharing their link hold off until A) SDAI pays and proves their legitimacy and B) SDAI resumes the referral program.

  • Referrals are being verified (and to be considered a valid referral, you need to fill out the bank information). One referrer told me that you can use a prepaid card with account and routing numbers. Another referrer shared how she opened a new bank account specifically for this to eliminate the threat of her main bank account being compromised. If you're like me and are concerned about sharing your bank info with SDAI, these may be options for you. You can submit this info in the link labeled "Update Sponsor & Payment Informatiom" [sic].

  • SDAI added "Geneaology & Commission Detail" [sic] links that show up to your first 20 referrals in the Tier 1 link, 2nd-level ($15) referrals in the Tier-2 link. They claim to only be showing the first 20 for now for testing and auditing purposes and anticipate the complete list showing tomorrow (8/7).

  • SDAI states that it's their goal to complete July referral payments on August 10th, so it's quite possible this date will be delayed (and that's assuming that the company is legit and pays out at all). SDAI states that they are verifying accounts (and accounts are verified by adding their bank information). SDAI stated, "Numerous people have created anywhere from a few extra accounts to hundreds of extra accounts." This is certainly a possibility and is typical of some in Referral World who thrive on finding ways to game the system. It's also an excuse I've seen from several fly-by-night companies over the years as a way to renege on owed bonuses. Also, many of us expected to be paid for signups leading up to 8/10. According to their announcement, though, the August 10th payment will only include July referrals (and September will include August referrals).

8/5/24 - I've decided not to promote Smart Desktop AI further until they pay out affiliates on 8/10. If you already signed up through me and need my info for filling out the form (the "Update Sponsor & Payment Information" link on your dashboard), here it is:
Sponsor Code: 288816
Sponsor First Name: John
Sponsor Last Name: Megowan

Updated 8/4/24:
Let me start by saying that I am not accusing Smart Desktop AI of being a scam. And even Scam Advisor claims the domain is safe as of today. I sincerely hope this IS a legitimate opportunity and referrers get paid (and not scammed).

For now, I cannot, in good faith, continue to recommend or promote them due to the number of unknowns and unanswered questions combined with the fact that they're:

  • collecting members' bank account and routing numbers internally on the site's php page (and not through a 3rd-party secure service);

  • located outside of the US (seemingly out of Iceland) and using Telegram and stan[dot]store, two sites that I'm told can be used legitimately but are predominantly used by international scammers;

  • promoting a supposed "top-notch AI lead-generating product/service," yet their simple website is riddled with typos, broken features - such as the password reset feature - and has no referral tracking or ANY data outside sample leads sections.

The "experts" who claim to have direct lines of communication with the owner, etc., revealed today that they only just signed up in the past couple of weeks as well and have not been paid, either (despite making claims of people having been paid, etc.);

I copied/pasted today's chat below, where I asked these valid questions, expressed these concerns, and even shared a link to Experian's article explaining the risks that can happen when your bank account and routing numbers are obtained by scammers. My questions and concerns were met with gatekeeping, dismissiveness, defensiveness, and hostility. The response from these members, summed up, has been, "Have faith," "It's a free opportunity; you have nothing to lose," and "If you're worried about it, don't do it."

30 minutes after I asked the questions, the "A.I Recruiting Machine" group chat creator popped in and swiftly removed everybody from the group chat.

Example of typos on the website:
Their website is a single php page with no actual data. Aside from their external links to stan[dot] store to collect funds for their Skool group, their telegram group chat, and the form to collect banking information, nothing on the page works or leads anywhere else:

I want to believe that this is a legit opportunity. But my concerns are outweighing my blind faith in Smart Desktop AI. I will continue to post with updates as I learn of them.

Below are updates from SDAI from 8/1 through 8/4.

8/3: Here are previous announcements (mostly from their Telegram chat):

Once you've signed up, you need to fill out the Genealogy & Payment Information form to get paid for your referrals. Log in to your SDAI account and find the link to the form on your dashboard, or else click here once you're logged in). You need to do this ASAP since they only pay out once per month, and if they don't have this info from you for their 8/10 payment, any owed bonuses will be carried over to the September payment.

Telegram Chat Announcements


Announcement #1:

Hello SDAI Community, I have an update regarding entering your payment info on your dashboard.

Within the next couple of hours the development team will be adding the option on your dashboard to input your payment info, so please keep checking your dashboard periodically to see when it’s available. This will also serve as a way to verify your account.

EVERYONE will have to EITHER fill in their Sponsor’s Email, Sponsor Affiliate Code (number at the end of the referral link you clicked to join), or Sponsor’s First Name and Last Name, the more info you have the better. So if you only have the affiliate referral code numbers, that’s fine.

USA: You will enter your name on your bank account (not the bank name & make sure your first and last name match your Affiliate name you signed up with) and then enter your checking and routing numbers.

INTERNATIONAL: The development team has decided to no longer go with USDT Crypto but instead, go with Wise for international payments. You will enter your Wise account info or if you do not have one, click the link to create your Wise account (Wise is for international affiliates, not USA affiliates).

After you have completed the form info, click SUBMIT at the bottom.

You will then get a pop-up window saying: Your info has been successfully submitted processed!

We are excited to see the growth of people who are interested in having access to our first AI product and what will be become a suite of products, devoted to the small to midsize business market.

We’re also very excited about our affiliate program.  It is because of you, the affiliates that we are experiencing this growth.

However, the program does need to work based on real and verified accounts. Please complete the form as soon as possible to help us in the verification process. We want to reward those who deserve to be rewarded for bringing real accounts to Smart Desktop AI.

Best Regards,
The Smart Desktop AI Team
Smart Desktop AI posted a follow-up update to the update I posted earlier here. Here's the text copy/pasted (and the original update with the requirements and where to locate the link on your dashboard is below this pasted text):

Announcement #2:

I know that a lot of you have enrolled a bunch of affiliates from funnels and landing pages and may not know everyone who enrolled under you and so fourth.

I just had a conversation with the development team regarding this and this is what they told me:

IF you have and know ANY of your sponsors information; email, sponsor code, first & last name, PLEASE fill it in. This will help EXPEDITE the process when running the data to sync up faster. However, if you do NOT know their information, they will still be running the data from stripe pay from all enrollments and will sync up everyone’s enrollments/genealogy that way. So please do not worry if you don’t know any or all of your sponsors info, but AGAIN, if you know it, PLEASE FILL IT IN.

Also, there will be ONE commission run per month. What does that mean?

That means that if you do NOT have your banking form of payment set up in your dashboard, and the development team runs the payment of commissions on August 10th, and lets says you have $200 in commissions, but don’t have your banking info filled in, you will NOT be paid and will have to wait until NEXT MONTH, on the 10th for the next commission payment run or wherever you decide to add your banking info to get your commissions paid. So please make sure you and your affiliates know to get that filled out at your convenience if you want to get paid on the 10th each month.

They are also working on a way to pay international affiliates who can not use Wise in their county. Will update when I have more info on that.

And lastly, they will have the ‘forgot password’ link up again sometime tomorrow so affiliates who can’t log in will be about to reset their password and get into their accounts.

Best Regards,
The Smart Desktop AI Team


Announcement #1:

Everyone please keep in mind that myself and the other admins are affiliates just like you. With that being said, we do have direct contact with the SDAI development team. So if you have any issues with logging in, changing info, affiliate support, or anything like that pertaining to the dashboard, you would need to submit an email or support form. Please stop sending us personal messages to help with those issues. I understand that tech support is back logged with support tickets, but they are working very hard over these next few days to get the genealogy and commissions up to date on our dashboards. I know the “forgot password link” isn’t working right now. They are aware and once that is fixed, we will notify the community.

Also, the development team is going to have a NEW Affiliate Support Service Form on (8/5/24) Monday morning that will unclog a lot of issue you might be having with the Tech Support side of things. Once we get that we will notify the community.

Tech Support and the Software Development Team shut down at 5:00 p.m. EST on Friday and will open back up at 9:00 a.m. EST Monday morning. Yes, they have to eat, sleep, and visit their families too. Please respect that.

If you live in the USA, you must provide your bank info and it must match your name you provided when you enrolled in SDAI (if you need to change it, you will be able to submit a NEW Affiliate Support Service Form) on Monday August 5th.

If you are International, you will have to create a Wise account or provide your current Wise account bank info and again, the info must match your name you provided when you enrolled in SDAI (if you need to change it, you will be able to submit a NEW Affiliate Support Service Form).

If you are International but can’t use the Wise services, the development is working on a solution for you, so please do not worry. We will update the community once we know more regarding that issue.

This is a START UP! There will be bugs and issues along the way, you must realize that and you have two options… You can get mad a frustrated about it, or you can roll with the punches and come along for the ride. Again, NO ONE is making anyone promote this if they aren’t comfortable doing so. Some will promote it and trust the process and others will sit and wait until everything is perfect, in the end, BOTH will get what they deserve.

Best Regards,
The Smart Desktop AI Team

Announcement #2:

For those who are serious about this, joining the Marketing Leaders Skool Group is the best move you can make! $2 a month with no contract!


Knowledge is Power and this is the place to be to have direct access!!!

Announcement #3:



Smart Desktop AI also has a skool group they're encouraging us to sign up for and support (it's $2/month membership). I haven't joined, but in one of the FB community chats for SDAI, a FB member provided this update (hat tip to Latoya C.):

FYI: In skool it states the the following: As of July 30th, 2024, if you enrolled before that date, your old referral link no longer works, please use your new referral link in your dashboard.

I double-checked my link on the dashboard and confirmed it's the same link I've been sharing.


More announcements from SDAI yesterday/today:


If you had used the red temporary code to log in and changed your password and then used your new password to log in but get an invalid password prompt, then sometime TOMORROW (8/6) you will be able to click a new forgot password link that will send you a temporary password to log in and you can then change your password again. Please write down your password and make sure you’re entering it correctly.

For those that might not realize it, the red temporary password on the log in screen will still be there AFTER you have changed your password so you can disregard that and use your new password you created to log in.

Best Regards,
The Smart Desktop Team


When you log into your dashboard, you will find that there are genealogy links for Tier 1 & Tier 2 enrollments. Also, you will see a link for Commission detail.

For testing and auditing purposes, the first post has been limited to 20 each.

We anticipate the completed list being posted by end of the day USA time on Wednesday, August 7th.

Only accounts that have been verified, will appear in genealogy and are eligible to be commissionable. Again, to be verified you have to have your banking info / Wise info submitted. Our goal is to pay on every real account. Unfortunately, numerous people have created anywhere from a few extra accounts to hundreds of extra accounts.

We appreciate your patience as we go through this process.

Our goal is to complete the first payment for the month of July on August 10.

Kind Regards,
The Smart Desktop AI Team


Announcement 1 (from 8/6):


For any affiliates who have changed their password and still get an invalid password error message, or just can’t log into their dashboard, please send ONE email in to Tech Support with your first and last name and email you used to sign up for Smart Desktop AI.

Tech Support will start to respond back to these emails around 12pm EST tomorrow, Wednesday August 7th.

[email protected]

***PLEASE DO NOT send any other issues into this email address right now. ONLY send an email if you can’t log in.

Kind Regards,
The Smart Desktop AI Team

Announcement 2:

Good Day Affiliates,

We are all hands on deck to get the first commission run out on August 10th. Everything indicates that we will meet this deadline as it was the goal we set.

We wanted to give you a little perspective on a few points.

Initially, SDAI was started with a direct sales team calling on small to midsize businesses. We made a strategic decision to open an Affiliate program at $187.00 monthly. We started to see growth while we were simultaneously working on adapting our email client from the Independent Business Owner so we decided to create a version to fit this market.

We then made the decision to move to a $20 offer in an attempt to grow more rapidly. As you may know, part of the valuation of a company is based on its active customer count. We decided we would set a goal for 1M customers in 12 months and moved the model to Free. What happened next we do not believe anyone could have foreseen.

What we thought would happen in 6-9 months happened in 30 days. Over 500,000 sign ups. Great you may think. And if 100% of the accounts were real accounts that could be easily verified, it would be so.

Unfortunately, there are a massive amount of FAKE accounts. There are instances where a single person has enrolled 100's personally and all of the email addresses have similar patterns.

Needless to say, this has required the effort of the entire team here to work on the verification process to complete for payday on the 10th.

We were hoping to have more details populated by today however, it is looking like later tomorrow. Aug 8th.

We realize that there are many people who need to alter some information on their account. Also, to still get into their account to submit their information for validation.

So, we want to announce that we will run a second commission run on August 17th. This will provide an opportunity to true up what might not have been received in time for the 10th.

Our goal is to pay everyone the commission they earned on "REAL & VERIFIED" Affiliate Accounts. There is not a company in the world that would pay for fake accounts, nor will we. They 100% will need to be a verified account.

To the final point.

We know that many of you just desire to use the SDAI System for your business. We apologize to you as, with all of the fake accounts being submitted, the manpower in-house has been 100% shifted to complete the Affiliate commission runs first. After these are complete, the attention will be shifted back to the finalization of the SDAI System.

We appreciate everyone's patience as we do everything we can to deliver on all deliverables that have been presented.

We just wanted to share a little context so you are aware of what we are dealing with and yet, also our commitment to delivering for all of our SDAI Affiliates.

Lastly, for those who are serious about this, joining the Marketing Leaders Skool Group is the best move you can make! $2 a month with no contract! Be sure to share this link below with your new affiliates!


Knowledge is Power and this is the place to be to have direct access!!!

Best Regards,
The Smart Desktop Team


Good Day SDAI Affiliates,

As you read in our message yesterday, we have over 500,000 enrollments in a very short period of time. 

We are in the process of verifying these while we are compiling commissions for the Aug 10th payout.

Due to the aforementioned massive amount of "FAKE" accounts and the extra time needed to validate, as we shared with you, we needed to take the New Affiliate sign up down.

We ask that all Affiliates halt and remove any and all promotional and marketing material that suggest that a new person may sign up to be an SDAI Affiliate.

For now no one can sign up. This does not reflect well on the Affiliate who is promoting this nor on SDAI when someone sees your marketing/promotional material then is not able to sign up.

After we complete the August commission runs on the 10th then the 17th, we will evaluate the next steps regarding new Affiliates and notify you.

We appreciate your support on this matter. Thank You

Kind Regards,
The Smart Desktop AI Team


Why is my Commissions only showing $20?

The dashboard currently will either show $0, $20 or $187 with your refund pending. If you were an affiliate that paid $187 to join a while ago, your dashboard will show $187 in the balance. If you were an affiliate that paid $20 to join, your dashboard will show $20 in the balance. If you joined for free, then your dashboard will show $0 in the balance.

That balance doesn’t include any other commissions yet for the August 10th payout. Remember, the earned commissions are for any affiliate’s that enrolled other affiliate’s in the month of July. If you enrolled anyone in the month of August, that commission run in on September 10th.

If you are missing any August 10th payouts from affiliate’s you enrolled in the month of July, next week you’ll be able to submit to support info about any affiliate’s missing and get that rectified for a second true-up commission run on August 17th.

Again, you will only receive your $60 one time commission on VERIFIED accounts. That means if they have not filled in their banking/Wise info, you will not receive any commission on that affiliate enrollment.

Kind Regards,
The Smart Desktop AI Team


Good Day SDAI Affiliates,

We wanted to provide a quick update regarding the August commission run.

Last night, it became clear that processing the large number of fake accounts and accurately matching Verified Affiliates with their respective Verified Affiliates to ensure proper payments could not be completed in time for our entire Affiliate population. As with any company, it is our fiduciary responsibility to our investors to ensure accuracy in these payments.

Therefore, in order to meet the August 10th deadline (Today), we made a corporate decision to pay all Verified USA Affiliates who have Verified USA Affiliates their commissions, plus the $20 refund. For those who joined at the earlier price point, this refund will amount to $187.

The August 10th (Today) commission run will only include Tier 1 commissions. All Tier 2 commissions will be included on the August 17th commission run discussed next.

We will conduct a second commission run on August 17th, covering all International commissions for Verified Affiliates and their Verified Affiliates, plus the $20 refund for those who paid. Additionally, Verified USA Affiliates with International Verified Affiliates will receive their corresponding commissions.

Please note that the ACH transfers will be initiated this morning. These payments will go out on Monday, the first business banking day, and should arrive, on average, three business banking days later—by Thursday.

On Monday, we will provide a message for Affiliates who believe that certain Verified Affiliates may not have been properly accounted for. If verified, these commissions will be included in the August 17th run.

We are also exploring options to provide verification and payment solutions for International Affiliates in countries where the Wise payment system is inaccessible.

As soon as we have updates, we will share them with our select Affiliates to post and circulate in Telegram and Skool.

This is an all-hands-on-deck effort, and until August 17th, our entire team is focused on this crucial task.

We appreciate your patience as we navigate these uncharted waters.

Kind Regards,
The Smart Desktop AI Team

Again, the admins in this group are NOT Tech Support. We are affiliates just like you. Please do not bombard us with questions we don’t know.

We will continue to provide current updates as we receive them from the development team. Please have patience and understanding as we move forward each and every day.


Good Day SDAI Affiliates,

Hope your weekend was nice. We are running hard to finish the July commission run and wanted to provide you with the current updates.

USA Updates

1. Tier 1... 
We are looking to "True-Up" any missing commissions from the Aug 10th run on Aug 17th for all Verified USA  Affiliates.

If you have Affiliates who were verified that did not show up in your genealogy, please let us know by emailing the following to us.

-Your Name and Affiliate ID#
-Your Affiliate's Name and Email Address. 

Email it to the following email by 5pm EST Wednesday August 14th. We will check for their Verification form and make the necessary adjustments. 

(Whatever way you captured your leads, that will fall on your responsibility to get their name and email, please do not message the admin frustrated that you don’t know how to find your affiliates info)

[email protected]
(do not click this link, it is an email address, copy and paste it into your email you create)

2. Tier 2...
We will pay all Tier 2 commissions on Aug 17th. By Verifying for Tier 1, this automatically Verifies Tier 2.

International Commissions

1. Wise Accounts...
We will be paying commissions for all Verified International Affiliates with Wise accounts on Aug 17th. If you have not submitted your Wise account, please do so by Wednesday the 14th at 5pm EST USA time to be included in the July commission run.

2. Countries without Wise Account access...
We are working on a solution and our goal is to let you know what that solution is by the end of the day Wednesday Aug 14th USA time. It will require KYC and there is a slight chance that this pay run may occur after Aug 17th. The Goal will be August 23rd.

We would like to say "Thank You" again for your patience.

This is not an excuse, rather it's reality...the amount of fake accounts and plain "Gaming" the program vs. true intent to want to have an AI service to utilize has been staggering. 

We have mobilized every single resource we have access to in order to pay every Verified Affiliate on every Verified Affiliate.

For those who are waiting for the service, this has put us a few weeks behind. We will provide an update once all commissions have been finalized. We apologize for the delay.

Thank You!

Best Regards,
The Smart Desktop AI Team 


8/15/24 Aug 10th ACH Commission Update
IMPORTANT: PLEASE REMEMBER, The Admins of this Telegram Group are Affiliates just like you. We are waiting on our ACH deposit just like you. We can do nothing other than pass on the information that we receive and we are passing through the updates as soon as we get them from the connection at the company. We are just trying to do our best to keep the community informed. So...here's the latest!

Good Day SDAI Affiliates,

We just got off the phone with our bank (Chase Bank) and they informed us that due to the large number of ACH transfers hitting at one time on an account, that it flagged the account for further review. 

2pm EST USA is the cut off time and by the time they completed the review, it was past 2pm and due to that, the 72 hour period for ACH means that the commissions technically went out on Tuesday the 12th and will arrive on Friday August 16th during the business day. 

Our June commission run that went out in July was close to 100 accounts and went out smoothly and on time.

This run involved 1,000's of accounts.

We understand this causes frustration and we are sorry for this inconvenience. This is new territory for us.

The bank said that the August 17th commission run would also undergo an additional review as it is anticipated there will be more than twice the number of ACH transfers going out on Monday the 19th. (That means they will most likely leave the bank on Tuesday the 20th and arrive on Friday the 23rd)

Again, we apologize for the delay. We are doing everything humanly possible to pay you all on every Verified Affiliate and be accurate.

Thanks for your understanding.

Kind Regards,
The Smart Desktop AI Team

You can read more about Smart Desktop AI and its referral promotion in my featured post here. And please email me if you have any questions!


Corey Price

2h ago in <a

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