The Guide to Terraform DevOps: Implement ...

The Guide to Terraform DevOps: Implementing CI/CD Pipelines for EKS workloads with GitHub

Jun 15, 2024

This technical handbook offers a comprehensive guide on implementing CI/CD Pipelines for EKS workloads using GitHub Actions for Multi-Environments, alongside Terraform for provisioning and HashiCorp Vault for securing secrets, SonarCloud for code quality analysis, and Trivy for vulnerability scanning. GitHub Actions will manage the conventional DevOps workflows, establishing multiple predefined environments for the deployment pipeline, such as DEV, Staging, UAT, Pre-prod, and production. Throughout this article, we’ll illustrate our approach using a React-based e-commerce application as a case study.

A multi-stage review process is a structured and systematic approach often used in academic, scientific, and professional contexts to ensure thorough evaluation and quality control. This process involves multiple steps or stages, each with specific objectives and criteria for assessment.

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