Death Priestxing and Radical Devotion ๐Ÿ’— ...

Death Priestxing and Radical Devotion ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’€

Apr 05, 2022

Ready for more magic? So many announcements to share at this new moon in Aries! Springtime energies abound! Our Way of the Weaver 2022 Foundation Year cohort is now enrolling; we've got Death Priestxing and Radical Devotion modules lined up; and of course, registration for our monthly Vigil for the Good Death is up on my website! Read on, beloveds, to check it all out. :)

2022 Foundation Year cohort now enrolling!

The Way of the Weaver Foundation Year is a nine-month journey that weaves threads of magic, activism, and community. Our circle embraces adults of all backgrounds and genders who are ready to learn a powerful skill set for spiritual transformation and growth. This training is rooted in the values of service, inclusive community, critical analysis of the oppressions that bewitch our society (capitalism, colonialism, racism, etc.), and deep respect for ancestral spiritual traditions from around the world.  

โ€œCommunity connection, tons of opportunities for learning and practice,
a beautiful space to make mistakes or fumble through learning something
new while being held by the community.โ€
- Daisy (Massachusetts)

We believe that you are your own spiritual authority, and that by learning ritual skills and sacred technologies together in a space with clear boundaries and ethics, we can build our capacity and tap into our collective power for change. Way of the Weaver dismisses secrecy and exclusion. This is an open-source skill set with which to develop and/or deepen your own practice based on your background, callings, and ancestry.

The program features four in-person Immersion Weekends in central Vermont, and nine additional online learning sessions. Learn More: Hey Friend, take me to Way of the Weaver!

Online Offerings have been updated!

I'm also excited to announce that course descriptions and enrollment portals for our 2022-2023 Way of the Weaver zoom modules are live! We're bringing back an old favorite, and developing an entirely new offering.

  •  Death Priestxing: Tending the Threshold of Transition 
    September 22 - December 15, 2022
    The Death Priestx (gender-neutral term) is the one who tends the threshold of transition. In this liminal space, they help the living navigate death, and assist the dead to share their wisdom with the living. LEARN MORE...

  •  NEW Radical Devotion: Ethical Worship in Revolutionary Times 
    January 9 - April 3, 2023
    What does heartfelt devotion and worship to the Gods look like, when we are able to deconstruct the narrative of patriarchal religion, and rewrite our own rules? How can relationships with our Gods bless and strengthen our struggles for justice? How do we honor free will and reciprocity? LEARN MORE...

"Great class, even better facilitators. Highly recommend for nerdy witches with radical politics & a strong ethical commitment!"
- Jules (Massachusetts)

Remember, you can take these courses from anywhere, since they are 100% on Zoom. Like all our Way of the Weaver programs, the tuition is sliding-scale and BIPOC scholarships are available!  

Vigil for the Good Death

Gently held around the night of the New Moon, this monthly vigil is a container for honoring the good death on multiple levels: ourselves, our loved ones and communities, and that which is greater (such as systems, ideas, overculture, etc.). It is a free community service, hosted via Zoom.

CLICK HERE to reserve your spot!

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