👋 Hi Everyone,
Publishing my node.js template in a command-line format. Everyone can easily be creating a node.js application structure using a single line command.
📌 ES6+ configuration (Babel)
📌 Better error handling
📌 Clean code structure
📌 Google authentication (Passport strategy)
📌 Email authentication with OTP verification (Sent mail using Google Gmail)
📌 Implement MFA using speakeasy
📌 MFA QR code images stored in Cloudinary
📌 Forgot Password via mail
📌 Modern data validation using Joi
📌 Forgot password mail template
📌 OTP validation mail template
Download and usage
𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗱: npx nano-app project-name
Example: npx nano-app nodejs-api
Source Code: https://github.com/jinnatul/nano-app
Demo Video:
NB: If you have any queries or suggestions, please write a comment.
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