Pope Francis Calls for a New Economic Sy ...

Pope Francis Calls for a New Economic System That Sounds Like ESG

Oct 20, 2022

Pope Francis Calls for a New Economic System That Sounds Like ESG

Pope Francis says that the world and its institutions require material changes to create a new economic system that creates food, health, economic and social rights for all. He wants the UN – the dictator’s club – to lead the world with this new system that sounds a lot like the World Economic Forum’s system.

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, he wants the UN to find “more agile and effective ways of resolving conflicts.”

“In wartime, it is essential to affirm that we need more multilateralism and a better multilateralism,” but the UN is no longer fit for “new realities”, he added in an extract published by La Stampa daily.

He said the world has changed, and he wants the UN’s role to change. 

What Pope Francis is asking for is an organisation that has greater power but less oversight. Greater powers to deal with those pesky dissenting voices and opinions that dare to push back against the globalist agenda.

“The necessity of these reforms became more than obvious after the pandemic” when the current multilateral system “showed all its limits,” he added.

To Pope Francis, the unequal distribution of vaccines was a “glaring example” of the law of the strongest prevailing over solidarity.

He wants equal outcomes. That’s Marxism. It’s nice that he wants all of the destitute to be cared for, but his only solution is socialism.

This is just my opinion.

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