98 supporters has relaunched! has relaunched!

Apr 03, 2023

Hello everyone! 👋

Thank you to all who supported back when it first launched 2020! After a year hiatus the site has been updated and re-written! Although the styling is the same, it's now very different.

The site now has more stats, with better accuracy, and more data! Some improvements since the last time:

  • Number of games (or picks) are now prominently displayed everywhere.

  • Rating brackets are now per-leaderboard. While not as much of an issue these days, this means team games can have different breakdowns from 1v1 games.

  • Confidence intervals are now displayed everywhere!

  • Controller-only leaderboards have been added.

  • Complete backend rewrite for better performance and usage of a much more reliable data source.

As before, stats are updated automatically—every. single. day. Enjoy the stats!

— jerbot

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