Pamela J. Zeller
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The Bushwackers/Trump Operatives Try to ...

The Bushwackers/Trump Operatives Try to Take Charge

Nov 30, 2023

The Bushwackers/Trump Operatives Try to Take Charge | Leads to Epic Failures for China’s Deep State As They Try to Leverage In-Ground Assets Again & Crash Crypto Markets | Rumors of Trump Coming Back in Another Role| Kim Gets Threatening Calls Demanding Funding | 1,700 Participating Operatives Now Gone From the Planet | Now Zero Tolerance Means Even the Thought in the Etherical Plane To Take Charge Will Warrant Removal From the Planet

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on November 22, 2023 on the United News Network which is available for subscribers of UNN. While no announcements have happened, Kim implemented Part 2 of her plan and the 1-2% of problem operatives she calls the Bushwackers, which are also the Trump operatives have been removed from the planet as they repeat the same operations their predecessors attempted. And there is more to Part 2 of her plan yet to unfold.


China Deep State’s Epic Failures

A lot of obligations are coming due from China’s Treasury Department right now and there is a lot of concern as to whether their economy will be able to hold up. So, what are they doing to rectify this? Well, this will sound familiar.

Leverage In-Ground Assets Again

In the last 48 hours the operatives made a deal where they were to be allowed to leverage all the in-ground assets and fake assets over to the Shanghai Exchange. Then they would control the alleged assets and dole out the Yuan (RMB) to the world replacing the dollar. This is an ongoing thing every time a new crew declares they are now in charge. But they must have forgotten the facility under the Shanghai Exchange is no longer working, therefore they didn’t have access to any facility to connect to the global treasury departments in every single country. So that’s been an epic failure for China’s Deep State.

Crash Crypto Markets

The next thing they tried to do in the last few days is plan a crash of all crypto markets. The reason is because they think there are hundreds of billions of dollars in the crypto market and that is simply not true. They must have forgotten or didn’t bother to check before setting up this elaborate scheme with the media and it’s why Binance - Cryptocurrency Exchange for Bitcoin, Ethereum & Altcoins is coming into the news now and the lawsuit.

Kim said approximately 72-76% of crypto belongs to agency folk who were promised they could cash it in at a date in the future. The advent of this program happened after the revaluation of the dinar failed and none of the agency folk worldwide wanted to get paid in dinar anymore. Instead, they gave them cryptocurrency, but their wallets are locked. So very little has been cashed by agency people. 24-28% is the people’s money, as an investment into the crypto market and that is really a very small amount compared to what they were looking for. So that was another epic failure that happened in the last 48 hour.

The Bushwackers /Trump Operatives Try to Take Charge

These epic failures were devised by an old crew of operatives who just declared they are in charge since they no longer have Monarch Military and Umbrella Military. This crew Kim calls the Bushwackers is probably 1-2% of the operatives worldwide. They were all trained when Bush was head of the Black Sun for North America and the Black Dragon worldwide. These are also your Trump operatives. These operatives which are on another level would have reported to those people and evidently, they are very upset with Kim’s requests, they want fake Trump back in office and to continue to lie to the American people for at least another 4 years.

Rumors of Trump Coming Back in Another Role

There are also announcements happening behind the scenes of Trump not coming back as POTUS but as Commander in Chief or head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Hum that’s interesting because what did Kim talk about last week? Oh yeah, about Martial Law being implemented face front, hence the reason why they switched up the narrative on Sunday behind the scenes and started leaking it out to the alt media that this is a possibility. Then their plan is to never surrender Martial Law but make it infinite so they would forever be the ones running the White House as the political operatives do behind the scenes. So, they all showed up in Cheyenne thinking they were now going to control the world and control the narrative. They ordered the release of statements that while Biden is 81 and in failing health, Trump is in great health.

They are working really hard on torching the planet

Then they decided to entice Taiwan to go to war against China. They also are the ones behind the alleged cease fire of the Hamas, but in reality, Hamas told them they were no longer going to fight if there was no money, no pay. And they are good friends with the Orsini family who told them they are not going to do this anymore, they are not involved per se. And there are some other Italian families that are close to the Hamas who said no more. They are not involved and not in favor of the waiting game either because no one is getting paid out. That’s when they called their friends the Hezbollah to get them all fired up to act against Israel and of course Israel retaliated. There is also a lot of chatter going on about new weapons being transported over there to Israel and the Middle East. They are also trying to start the world war on a larger scale. There were also some promises behind the scenes to the Ukraine and to Russia.

Kim Gets Threatening Calls Demanding Funding

At the same time the Israelis filed for more funding directly to the Hall of Records, which of course went to Kim again. This level of operatives does understand if you file in the Hall of Records it goes directly to her and doesn’t matter from where you do it, Israel, China, Russia, Japan, Germany, Australia it all goes to Kim and yes she declined all their requests yesterday.

Then they decided to have the Treasury Department call Kim to find out if they were going to move forward with the funding to which she said no because they didn’t comply with her two requests. Then several calls came in from aids in Washington DC, from Langley, and some people in the Pentagon, threatening her saying she had to do this. Well, no she doesn’t have to do anything, and that’s the confusing part for them.

Participating Operatives Now Gone from the Planet  

Kim said she and the GIA just kind of stepped back and watched what they did. They waited until they made enough promises so that if there was anyone left breathing by the end of the day they would have zero credibility, and perhaps the next group in line who wants to be in charge will know that is not going to work. That was her hope.

At the start of this operation there was about 1,700 operatives worldwide willing to participate in the plan. They told anyone who came in the door from the military and agencies trying to do something positive that they were now in charge.

Kim’s Plan Part 2

But yesterday mid-morning Kim’s time she decided to initiate Part 2 of the plan on her side and there are some limited details she can give us about Part 2. It started out with the removal of pretty much all the operatives involved in the fiasco that started on Sunday and grew on Monday and yesterday morning. If Kim sent people in, they sent people right behind them and told them to ignore everything the GIA said to do and they are now in charge and so on and so forth. There were enough people involved to cause a bit of a stir and a problem for a little while. We saw the media going a little crazy over the last couple of days and this is the reason why.

The 1,700 are no longer with us for the most part, there might be a few stragglers left however. From here on out there is an even more zero tolerance meaning if there is even a thought in the etherical plane that they are going to come forward and be the next ones in charge the GIA will arrive based on the fact they had this thought. That is what the legions do.

So now we know why there was a second ceasefire, who the Bushwackers/Trump Humpers are, and what has been happening, at least we kind of know why we haven’t seen any announcements. If Kim allowed emotions to get involved in warfare she would have been upset too, but nothing they do surprises her these days. There is always someone who steps up thinking they can do this. But it’s clear they have no money and no way to get that money based on what they tried to do at the Shanghai Exchange. Wars are very expensive, especially world war and they are just doing the same things as those before them have done hundreds of times. If they had been paying attention or had any idea of what really goes on in this world, they would have known that before they went dialing for dollars and starting a world war thinking it made money.

There is a lot more to this plan. Some of it involves the Archivists, some involves disclosure, some involves announcements, and some involves forceful removal of some media folks worldwide. It’s a comply or go away kind of situation at the moment. There is a bit more to the plan but she isn’t going to voice it now.

More About the Angels

This was included in the Q&A section but including here since the legion of Angels have arrived and is very relevant to current events.

As above so is below. We’ve certainly all heard that before. Well, there were just as many angels in the 9th plane of the 9th density or the real heaven as there were in the 9th plane of the 9th density and the 8th plane in the lower astral that were participating in carrying out Source’s will. Direct instructions to follow out their orders were received cooperatively during the Neutral Age. Both participated, the Angels and the Fallen Angels.

Somewhere along the way during the middle of the Dark Ages the light side was no longer active and participating, not because they didn’t want to, but because of manipulation of lower astral beings which technically prohibited them from being here for a long time. The energy was wrong, nobody was listening to anybody and a lot of fighting in the heavens between both sides was taking place.

At this point, there are positive beings that report directly to the light side of Source and there are no more beings reporting to Anti-Source, they are all reporting to Source now. For example, you could say both Gabriel and Fallen Gabriel are positive beings now because during the Light Age everyone goes to that side, so there are a lot more participating now on the Light side. You could probably even say a lot of them are with us because the legions have arrived. We might even get the opportunity to see some of them as journalists on the news soon if things keep going the way they are going. We will see.

About Angel Michael

Michael is part of the legions who lives in the 9th density of the 9th plane. He lives in Source itself. He is a protector of all organic life forms, all of Source’s creation for lack of a better term. Sometimes in a protective mode or he could be involved in creation itself. The angels are co-creating with Source and part of the group are the progenitors that generate souls. So, everybody does something different and whatever God asks, they do without question. There is no deviating from the plan.

When you travel to Source you can meet and talk to them anytime you like. Kim said she doesn’t like to call it astral travel, it’s more of a temporary partial consciousness transfer to the place where you are traveling to.

She finished by saying, soon we’ll all meet everybody.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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