Hub support and protocol versions

Hub support and protocol versions

Jan 29, 2023

Almost a year to the day after the first target, the second target was reached.

At the start of the year, donations suddenly got more frequent, so I started putting them through my accountant to ensure there would be no tax issues. Of the $105 raised, $49.87 went in tax and fees to Buymecoffee, Stripe, and my accountant. This leaves $58.36 for device purchases (after adding in the $3.23 left from last time). I have put $35.43 of this towards a test device for hub support after an earlier slightly cheaper purchase fell through and was refunded. Another developer has worked on hub support for tuya-local in parallel with support for tinytuya, but the tinytuya developers made changes after merging the pull request on their end, so the work on tuya-local has not been able to be completed yet. This purchase, when it arrives in late February, should allow me to assist with getting the hub and subdevice support ready for release. The remaining $22.93 will go towards a protocol version 3.4 device, as there appear to be issues with those. This needs a bit more research into which device to buy, as the protocol version is not advertised and a lot of similar looking devices are actually different, so may take some time. For now, I've set the progress back to $23, but it will drop again once I've worked out what else to purchase.

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