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SMLIAG Chapter 67 - The Holy Kingdom

SMLIAG Chapter 67 - The Holy Kingdom

Apr 17, 2024

Rosenta headed to the marquisate in the morning.

He was worried that he might be an unwelcome guest, but fortunately, the marquis, Vivian, and Lennox welcomed him.

Lysander, on the other hand, treated him curtly with a face full of dismay.

"I didn’t expect you would actually come."

"Thankfully, I’ve been allowed to use the magic circle. Is there any reason to refuse?"

Rosenta responded kindly.

After that reply, the gazes of the Marigold family became harsher toward Lysander.

The marchioness even pinched her second son's side.

Rosenta turned to the marquis, smiling as if he hadn't seen it.

"Thank you for inviting me like this."

"If I didn’t use my son’s abilities at times like this, when would I use them?"

The marquis laughed with a big smile.

Then he spoke to Lysander, who was still sullen, as if scolding him.

"Did someone beat you?! Why are you so good at pouting?"

The moment he heard those words, Rosenta unconsciously turned his head toward Enoch, who was further away.

Enoch was looking at them with an expressionless face, like a person in another world.

Their eyes met for a moment.

Just in time, Vivian, who was standing next to Rosenta, said something to the marquis and his wife.

"I want to arrive early and rest."

Rosenta quickly turned his head and listened to their conversation in silence.

"Can we leave now?"

"If my daughter wants to start our trip, of course we should. Of course."

The marquis raised the corners of his mouth and smiled brightly.

Then, when he saw his second son, he spoke very firmly as if he were a dignified father.

"Lysander, get ready."

Lysander began drawing on the floor, holding a large brush that looked like a rolling pin.

The inside of the circle began to be filled with geometric patterns and letters.

He was drawing a magic circle.

"The maximum limit is a total of three times with three people. After that, I’ll collapse and sleep for a few days."

With that said, Lysander counted the number of people.

Soon a smile came to Lysander's mouth. It wasn't a very good smile.

As expected, Lysander pointed to Rosenta and spoke in an exaggerated tone as if he were acting in a play.

"I don’t think the duke can go if he wants to bring his servant. It’s very unfortunate. Looks like we’ll be the only ones going...."

"Are you kidding me?"

Vivian came forward and grabbed Lysander by the collar.

"Oppa, you really want to die."

It was a disaster.

Rosenta was worried that Vivian would be scolded by her family.

In the worst-case scenario, he'd have to borrow Enoch's power. With that in mind, he was about to excuse himself from the group.

However, with the words of the Marigold family pouring in before he could speak, he realized that it was a needless worry.

"Don't set off the youngest. Because of you, her worst behavior is coming out."

"Oh my. Our daughter is so powerful. Honey, who does Vivian take after?"

"She looks like my wife. Of course. Haha."

Rosenta had forgotten that this family were all fools for their daughter, infected with Vivian disease.

He shook his head and stepped back. He figured it would work out even if he didn't do anything.

And soon, Vivian was standing at the center and began to take command of everything.


She was pushing forward with such momentum that everyone was blindly following her orders.

"Rosen and Wolf, and first brother. Get on the magic circle like this."

Rosenta arranged his luggage as Vivian told him to and climbed into the magic circle.

Vivian then pointed her finger at them and ordered Lysander.

"Send them."


"Send them right away. I'll use the last magic circle."

Rosenta noticed Vivian's intentions.

She planned to get on at the end so that she could keep an eye on her brother so that he wouldn’t do anything questionable.

She had Lennox ride together with them to prevent them from being sent to the wrong location.

"…I'll send them."

His pink eyes were still fierce, but it seemed like he was holding back his emotions because of his sister.

Lysander stretched out his hand toward them with a deep sigh.





Rosenta blinked once because of the shining light.

"This place is..."

He looked around.

During those brief blinks, the surroundings were transformed into unfamiliar space.

It appeared that they had safely moved to the room that the coordinates had been set to in the Holy Kingdom.

"It was instant."

Lennox also looked around and marveled at his brother's skill as if it was amazing.

"That's why they say it's good to have a capable wizard in your family."

"Although his personality is…"

Rosenta almost spoke thoughtlessly because of Lennox's good-natured tone.

He was quick to shut up, but Lennox had already heard him.

Like it or not, he was his brother. Of course, it was obvious that he would be offended.

"It's quite bad."

But contrary to what Rosenta thought, Lennox was nodding his head vigorously.

He was even outspoken in his gossip.

"It's quite bad. Is that a characteristic of wizards? I've heard that there are not many sane wizards, but…"

He was talking casually as if he wasn’t even concerned that it was his younger brother he was talking about.

"He's like an unusually square stone. Why does he like to harass people so much? Tsk."

Lennox's red eyes, resembling Vivian’s, looked innocently at Rosenta.

At this moment, Rosenta caught a glimpse of Vivian in his eyes.

Vivian often said that she had changed.

But Rosenta had a different opinion.

Originally, Vivian had adopted the tendencies of both of her brothers. However, Lysander's influence was more dominant.

As he thought this to himself, Lennox tilted his head and looked at Rosenta.

There was an awkward silence.

As if he couldn't stand the silence, Enoch was the first to speak.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you all of a sudden."

Enoch bowed his head politely, putting his gloved hand on his chest.

"I think we'd better get out of here first."

"Yes, we should."

He nodded his head.

Then Lennox nodded and lifted his luggage.

"Yes, let’s go."

Enoch, who was leading, opened the door.

Then, Rosenta made eye contact with the priests and paladins who were guarding the door.

They were not at all surprised when they saw the guests suddenly appear.

"Did you bring an invitation?"

In response to the priest’s question, Lennox and Rosenta showed their respective invitations.

The priest carefully examined the invitation and nodded his head. He then glanced at another priest.

"Please guide them."




They followed the priest out of the building.

The landscape outside was filled with white stone statues, marble temples, and tall columns.

What Rosenta had thought was a room, seemed to be the prayer room of the temple.

"You can come this way."

They followed the guide into a building.

In some ways, it was luxurious, and in other ways, it was as grand as the reputation of the Holy Land.

A gothic castle, white and engraved with numerous sculptures.

It was crowded at the entrance.

The hall was already full of servants and maids of visitors who had arrived.

They were busy moving their luggage back and forth.

‘How do we get through this space?”

‘No, no matter how big this castle is... Can they really put all the visitors together like this?’

Normally, visitors would not be herded into accommodations this way.

Rosenta didn't seem to be the only one who had such thoughts.

Everyone, regardless of status, had already gathered at the center of the hall, protesting fiercely against the priests.

"How can the Holy Land treat people like this? How can you pile everyone in like pigs in a pigpen?"

"Please direct us to the appropriate building for the people of our kingdom immediately."

"We've come a long way to see the pope's succession, and this is how you treat us. I’m offended."

The priests looked perplexed but never said, 'I understand.'

They just refused as politely as they could.

"I'm sorry. This is the only place you can stay."

Even at a cursory glance, Rosenta could see how stern the priests’ responses were. firmly.

He didn't want to cut into that argument and use up his energy.

He looked at Lennox.

He was also staring blankly at the scene, and Rosenta wondered if his thoughts were similar to his own.

"What floor is our room on?"

The priest’s face lit up at his question.

He seemed quite worried that they would also protest.

"It's on the top floor. Is that all right?"

"Yes, that’s fine. The view must be wonderful from up there."

Lennox subsequently expressed his affirmation, although he added one requirement.

"Anywhere is fine with me. However, I would like to be close to my sister."

"Who’s your sister?"

Lennox puffed out his chest at the priest’s question.

"Do you know Vivian Marigold? That's my sister."




Considering that so many people were crammed into once castle, the room Rosenta was staying in was quite nice.

In addition, since they were on such a high floor, they had a wide view.

"Enoch, organize the luggage first."

Leaving Enoch behind, who was unpacking, he opened the large curtain covering the balcony.

He opened the door and went outside.

The wind swept through his body.

He pulled back his flowing blue hair.

"It's all white."

It was literally a white space.

The marble on the floors and the buildings were all white.

Even the castle on the other side of where he was staying was full of white.

A place where there was only white as though no impurity was acceptable.

That was Rosenta’s impression.

"It's not a particularly fun place to observe."

There were many statues, but they were not particularly new.

It was a cold and boring landscape. He even thought it would be better to just go inside and rest.

He tried to turn around.


But his feet were stuck there like they were nailed to the ground.

His gaze was fixed on the person coming out onto the balcony of the castle across from him.

Sunlight-infused, short golden hair blew in the wind.

It shined so brightly that it was immediately recognizable even from a distance.

There was no way his voice could reach him but, for no reason, he called out the name that was still on his lips.


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