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SMLIAG Chapter 48 - Into the pit

SMLIAG Chapter 48 - Into the pit

Aug 17, 2023

Without even having time to look outside, Rosenta spent the entire day in the Cardia Castle.

Of course, it was a good choice.

This was because he’d have to explore Silva's forest as early as the next day.

What was fortunate was that he’d have a companion to guide him to the destination.

"Oh, hello, my name is Aphra Cardia."

It was Aphra, who was shy and couldn't make eye contact with him.

Was he really capable of guiding him properly? Rosenta looked at Nike skeptically.

"He’s just shy. He’s just as capable as my first child."

He didn't take Nike's word for granted. He had doubts, but he also thought that Nike would not lie to him.

After much consideration, he nodded.

"In that case, I understand that the three of you are leaving."

Enoch, who was with Rosenta, looked to the side and nodded at Nike.

But there seemed to be someone who didn't like Rosenta’s decision.

Theodore popped out of nowhere.

"I'll go, too."

"Your Majesty, don't you have something else to do here?"

Theodore responded with silence to Rosenta’s words. He just stubbornly stuck right next to him.

Rosenta looked at Theodore as if he was not going to lose.

Theodore did not shy away from his eyes. Then, looking quietly at a specific place behind Rosenta, he quietly said, "The only thing I have to do here is to follow you."

[t/n: The place Theodore’s looking at is where Enoch is standing.]


Rosenta let out a faint smile as if he were breathing out. Then he shook his head lightly from side to side.

He waved a white flag at Theodore’s stubbornness.

"Yes. I understand, Your Majesty."

At Rosenta’s reply, this time Enoch bowed cautiously. A black shadow seemed to be cast behind Rosenta.

[t/n: Enoch is behind Rosenta. The black shadow is angry Enoch]

"Do we have to take him with us?"

Rosenta could feel Theodore's eyes getting fierce.

‘Maybe he’s upset that the butler is interrupting the conversation.’

Rosenta ignored Enoch's words. He also ignored Theodore's eyes.

Pretending that he didn’t know either of them, he spoke to Nike.

"Maybe the four of us should set out. I'm sorry, but can we get more transportation?"

"Don't worry."

Then she gestured to the attendants behind her.

"Four per dog should be enough."

‘Four per dog?’

Rosenta didn't understand the meaning at first. It was only after seeing the large figures approaching that he understood.

It was the huge jaguar that they rode when they first entered Silva.

Nike reached for the Jaguar. Then the Jaguar brought its head directly to Nike's hand.

Every time she stroked it, a purr rang out.

"It's my pet. He's also the one who'll take you there."

Four saddles were lined up on the back of the jaguar.


Aphra approached the Jaguar's side at Nike's call.

And with a deft movement, he climbed onto the neck of the Jaguar at once.

Aphra held the Jaguar's reigns tightly in a stable position.

There was a sudden surge of faith in him.

"From now on...… I'll show you around."

Although, at the trembling voice of Aphra, that faith quickly disappeared.




It was a needless worry.

Aphra nimbly steered the Jaguar. He quickly made his way through the shady narrow forest.

Everyone bowed their heads to overcome the resistance of the wind and held the back of the person in front of them tightly.

By the time Rosenta had lost track of how far they had traveled, the jaguar’s speed began to decrease.

Aphra's struggling voice came to his ears.

"It's about time...… We're here."

Looking at the map, it seemed quite far away.

Was it because they’d rode a jaguar?

As the sun was starting to go down, their destination appeared.


Rosenta looked where Aphra was pointing.

Stone ruins. It reminded Rosenta of Machu Picchu in Peru.

Everyone stared there in awe, except Aphra.

Then Aphra informed Rosenta, "We’ll have to get off and go on foot from here on."

It was time to get off the Jaguar.

One by one, they came down from the back of the Jaguar. But The way forward wasn’t smooth.

They had to cross a cliff in order to reach the place called “The Moon’s Tomb”.

Fortunately, there was a means to cross the cliff.

It was a rope bridge.

The downside was that it looked as if it was going to collapse.

"Then I will lead the way."

Aphra was not scared, so he moved on.

Then, as if he was worried, they wouldn’t follow him, he glanced behind him.

"It's strong unlike it looks, so don't worry and cross it."

Instead of answering, Rosenta nodded.

He was curious about Theodore and Enoch who were behind him, but he didn't look back.

He just didn’t bother.

It was pretty terrifying every time it swayed. Rosenta was afraid that, if he looked down, he would lose his strength.

Then he looked down.


He was so dizzy that he lost sight of the rope he’d been holding tight. Of course, it was not such a dizzying situation to warrant falling down the cliff.

His body just fell backwards.



He heard cries calling for him.

Then he felt the wind and solid arms support his back.

Soon the wind disappeared, but he knew it was an artificial magic.

He twisted his head slightly and looked back.

He saw Theodore supporting him and Enoch staring at them.

Theodore asked anxiously.

"Are you all right?" You should have been more careful.”

"Ah…… Yes, thank you."

He was just a bit shaken and fell backward. It wasn’t to the point of danger where he’d fall off the bridge.

However, he expressed his gratitude politely.

"Thank you."

His gaze was also directed toward Enoch.




The place called "The Moon’s Tomb" looked like an empty stone house.

In some places, only the space where houses once were remained.

Looking closely at the exteriors, Rosenta felt a surge of concern.

Just in case, he asked Aphra, who was continuing to lead, "Is this the Moon’s Tomb?"

Aphra stopped walking. He shook his head slowly as he looked at Rosenta.


Stretching his index finger, he pointed cautiously somewhere.

Like a temple, there were pillars on all four sides, and the stairs going up to it led to a single place.

"That's the Moon’s Tomb."

Aphra resumed moving.

They climbed the stairs one by one and, as they got closer to the top, Rosenta saw a hole in the temple’s center.

It reminded him of a sinkhole.

It was a long way down. It was the kind of depth that made one fear that if they fell into it, they would never come out.

He looked down quietly. As he continued observing, he felt different from when he’d crossed the rope bridge.

It felt familiar. It was a strange feeling, hard to explain in words.

"This is as far as I can guide you."

There was a strange fear in Aphra's voice. Rosenta looked up at him.

Aphra, who was not afraid of rope bridges, was stepping back with a look of fear.

"Yes, I know."

Rosenta heard it from Nike in advance, so he knew it well.

However, Theodore was hearing this for the first time, and he frowned and protested briefly but strongly.

"Wasn't he the guide?"

"Well, but we cannot enter the grave. It's a forbidden area…….”

Aphra was worried about being forced into the pit, so he even used his ability.

The grass crept up on him, and it weaved itself with his body into a very solid form.

"I can't go!"

Rosenta sided with him, who continued shouting that he couldn't go.

"Your Majesty, Prince Cardia will be left here."

Theodore looked at Rosenta.

"Duke Cardia already told me. This is the only forbidden area for their families."

Rosenta had to get in there quickly to come back before sunset. He didn't want to waste time like this.

He asked Aphra, acting as if he would enter right away.

"Can I just go in?"

"Ah……. Yes!"

As if relieved, Aphra just kept nodding his head.

Then, as if he’d remembered something, he raised his head. He quickly spit out the words while looking at Theodore.

"Ah! Your Majesty...… You have to stay here with me.”

This time Rosenta also looked at Aphra with a surprised face.

Aphra was a Cardia, but why couldn’t Theodore enter?

"Yes, His Majesty, the sun...… it is because of this."

No one understood this.

Rosenta couldn't understand even if he used all the knowledge he had in his brain.

As if he had noticed their confusion, Aphra relaxed and explained it to him.

"Literally…… Because he has a golden disposition. This is the tomb of the moon. It doesn't make sense that the moon and the sun meet……. It will be dangerous."

It was still difficult to understand.

But Rosenta roughly understood. That this place is dangerous for Theodore.

Although, of course, Theodore seemed to think it wouldn't be dangerous.

"I'll go, too."

"Your Majesty."

Rosenta indulged Theodore's insistence on following him this far, but now he would absolutely insist on his own decision this time.

He winked at Enoch as he called out to Theodore.

Enoch naturally walked near him. At the same time, Rosenta glanced at the pit.

"You can't."

He spoke firmly and looked forward again.

He spoke to Aphra with a meaningful smile.

"Prince Cardia, I'll take responsibility, so I want you to do the same to His Majesty."

Fortunately, Aphra seemed to be quick-witted.

He began to command the plants with a quick nod.

It didn't stop there.

Rosenta wanted to leave a curse here.

He decided to use a curse he’d learned from one of the books he’d found in the secret room.

It was an ancient word meaning ‘restraint’. He spat out the word as a verbal command.


The shadow on his toes spread more and more. The pit was enveloped.

It moved around like a black flame. As if no one would be let in.

By the time he finished casting the curse, Theodore was using his golden holy power to cut off the stems that were climbing over his body.

It was futile.

"Your Majesty."

Theodore's eyes turned to Rosenta at his call.

Then, confirming Rosenta’s curse, his pupils began to dilate.

"I'll be back."

He threw himself into the pit, leaving with a final bow.

He didn’t think about it any further. He closed his eyes tightly, leaving the rest to Enoch.

Soon he felt Enoch's hand wrapping around his.

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