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SMLIAG Chapter 32 - Watch her

SMLIAG Chapter 32 - Watch her

May 21, 2023

**This chapter will be a little shorter because the others were long and the next section is also long.

The banquet gradually progressed.

Everyone except the emperor gathered. ‘Everyone’ included the dukes who were hard to gather together.

People were busy enjoying the banquet in their own ways.

But Rosenta was not in the mood for a banquet. Before he could enjoy it, he had to work something out.

He looked around.

He finally found Nike.

He approached her at once.

He gave a conventional greeting.

“Long time no see.”

At his greeting, Nike slowly turned around as though she’d finally noticed he presence.

 The she said something just as cliché as his greeting, “How have you been?”

“Thanks to you, I had the time to realize many things.”

“That is very fortunate.”

Nike opened the clutch that was in her hand.

It was a cautious movement.

She took out a piece of paper that had been folded several times so that no one else could see it.

She handed it to him and spoke as though it was just an ordinary note so that no one else would notice.

“This was the last reply.”

“Thank you.”

Rosenta received the paper, but he didn’t open it immediately.

He looked around inconspicuously.

He then quickly put the paper deep into his pocket.

The contents of the note were a material list.

The last time they had spoken, Rosenta had asked Nike for a list of supplies his father had received from Silva.

Nike passed him and spoke in a small voice that only he could hear.

“Keep it secure.”

After lightly patting his chest a few times, she passed him without and regrets.

A long neckline under short, orange hair and a provocative, eye-catching dress that exposed her back.

After quietly looking at her back, Rosenta also turned around.

Then he saw Yura.

Unexpectedly, Yura was there.

Surrounded by people, she looked very happy. She seemed distracted from the conversation.

However, Rosenta had no intention of approaching Yura.

Instead, he looked around her. ‘He’s probably wandering around and watching.’

As expected, Enoch appeared.

Enoch hovered around, pretending to talk to the other young ladies.

At the same time, he was drinking wine the entire time and Rosenta was worried that he would get drunk.

He watched Enoch for a while.

But when an unfamiliar voice called him from behind, he quickly took his eyes off of him.

“Duke Estella.”

The moment Rosenta saw the face of the person who called him, he almost frowned.

He quickly managed his facial expressions and greeted him as though he was happy to see him.

“Duke Gray.”

It was Herace Gray who approached Rosenta with a sullen, but friendly, smile.

“Long time no see.”

“Yes, it’s been a while. How have you been?”

“I spent every day taking care of Terrian, the same as always. Hahaha.”

 As he shook hands with Herace, he felt another presence approaching them.

It was a man who exuded an aura as cold as ice.

It was the first time Rosenta had seen him, but he could immediately recognize who he was.

There’s no way he wouldn’t have recognized that white hair and those gray eyes.

He reached out to the man.

“Nice to meet you, Duke Eleph Snow.”

Those gray eyes, which were as terrifying as a cloud of ash, stared at him.

Eleph slowly opened his mouth.

It was a voice that was very unchanging in cadence, as much as it was slow in tempo.

“Nice to meet you.”

After a short greeting, he held out his hand.

Paradoxically, the moment his warmth touched Rosenta, Rosenta’s body shrank away from the coldness.

He had a strong chill, like the land he ruled over.

The glaciers of the North.

In ancient times, it was the home of snow wolves.

Although it has now turned into a closed society where the races of the newly introduced territories and snow wolves live in harmony. All because of the cold.

Contrary to the South, the North suffers from cold and blizzards.

Getting in and out was not easy.

Even if you enter safely, many people got caught in the blizzards and died on their way out.

“I’ve finally had the chance to meet all the other dukes.”

“Yes, I see.”

He seemed like a blunt person.

It seemed like it would be difficult to continue the conversation any further.

A moment of silence passed.

Then, as if he didn’t like the silence, Herace spoke again.

It was about the saint.

“Has your excellency spoken to the saint?”

“Yes, there was a chance opportunity for us to meet.”

“Ohh. Then I’d appreciate an introduction.”

“We’re not that friendly. You’re free to go on your own, you won’t need me.”

At my words, Herace narrowed his eyes and ironically laughed.

Something seemed sinister.

What the hell was this hyena-like person thinking?

Rosenta didn’t like it, but he didn’t try to say anything further.

Herace clinked his glass into Rosenta’s as he held it.

“It’s easier to start a conversation with a middleman than it is to make a big deal out of it.”

‘As if I’m going to do such a thing for you.’

Rosenta decided to gently change the subject.

Rosenta was thinking about what subject to bring up when Eleph suddenly pointed at someone.

“You’re too late.”

The place Eleph had been pointing at was where Yura had been standing until a moment ago.

She was nowhere to be seen.

Herace furrowed his brow.

However, Eleph didn’t look surprised at all and spoke with the same bluntness.

“Already left.”

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