So, starting off with a band, this awesome sample set was created when I recorded the song 'Forino' with Big Rooster Jeff at Chairworks Studio in Castleford. Chairworks has a frankly enormous live room, some of the most ridiculous gear I've ever been lucky enough to record on, and this amazing North Custom Drums Co house kit. The toms are powerful, the kick has an incredible meaty thwap to it, everything you could want from a kit.
The snare is a Pork Pie 13-inch. It's fat. It's ringy. It cracks. I was utterly blown away by how good it sounded.
This pack contains close mics, overheads, a close stereo ribbon and spaced pair far rooms behind gobos, as both .wav files and .tci files. It's a relatively small number of velocity layers and hits, as I was only intending to take safety samples for later editing, but in practice I've found they've worked well enough if your material isn't too dynamic.
Check them out at https://www.dropbox.com/s/pgi8dua6lszzov4/The%20Big%20Rooster%20Kit.zip?dl=0
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