Card of the Week: Two of Cups

Card of the Week: Two of Cups

Feb 16, 2022


Belated Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

Apologies for being MIA for the best few days and not providing our card of the week. Since it's already Mid Week, this card will hopefully help us get through the remaining days of the week. It'll also serve as a card to reflect on what happened the past few days and what we can learn to apply the lessons in the remaining days.

Our card of the [mid] week is the Two of Cups.

It's such a perfect card as we just passed by Valentine's Day. If I am to be straightforward, I'd say that you might've had a great Valentine's Day because you were able to go out with a particular person. Not necessarily romantic, but someone very dear to you. Though, if it fits the concept of a romantic relationship, feel free to resonate with that.

The important thing on what the Two of Cups is telling us is that you've found established a solid partnership with someone who understands you the way you know yourself. They may even understand you better, and that's a good thing. And you also reciprocate that energy to your partner, understanding them in ways they don't.

As you give each other your cups, it means that you allow yourself to become vulnerable, and you entrust them with the emotions you feel. And trust is always the foundation of every relationship out there—platonic or romantic.

If being with a partner or a special someone didn't resonate, you might have had a chance to give yourself the loving that you needed all along. Or, to get you through the week, you might want to give yourself a little bit of the TLC—tender loving care.

We should always be unapologetic whenever we prioritize and choose ourselves. In my opinion, self-love is the most important form of love out there. It lets you explore yourself more, give pleasure to yourself, and spoil yourself. Don't be afraid to choose yourself.

The Two of Cups asks us to always be open to communication—whether with our partner or ourselves. By communicating, we can adapt to our relationship and ensure that the bond remains stronger (even with ourselves).

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