Card of the Week: The Hermit (Reversed)

Card of the Week: The Hermit (Reversed)

Feb 07, 2022

Our card for this week is The Hermit (Reversed).

The Hermit Reversed represents us going into isolation and being alone. It also means separating yourself from reality and feeling lonely.

We need to be alone whenever we need it, but it becomes unhealthy if it’s already too much. We may not always see it, but it’s always great to be surrounded by people you love and get help from them because you’re not alone.

Also, you may already be starting this week, purposely disconnecting yourself from the world and running away from your responsibilities or anxieties. This is an unhealthy way to deal with them because it shows a lack of accountability. Again, it’s always good to be surrounded by people you trust and people you love. They will understand what you’re going through, and there is no shame in becoming vulnerable in front of them.

The Reversed Hermit asks us to reconnect with the world — touch some grass. You may be holed up in your house or room for a long time, and it’s now time to go out and take a walk outside. Go to the mall with your friends or simply walk around the park. Even though we are still in a middle of a pandemic, the outside world may not be as harsh as people make it.

Another thing that the Hermit asks us is to challenge our discomfort. I cannot emphasize enough how journaling is essential if we want to understand our emotions and thoughts more. Reflect and think on your desire to isolate yourself from the world and disconnect from society. Let the discomfort sink in you, and you can start understanding where it’s all coming from. Sometimes, it’s always good to know where our distress comes from so we know how to banish it.

Lastly, don’t be too hard on yourself this week, okay?

You’re not alone.

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