Rock like Elvis!

Rock like Elvis!

Oct 16, 2022

He came to pick me up, so we could travel together. I dressed up; I prepared well. I slept late that day, went out for a walk, ate healthily, and slept two hours during the afternoon. All set for a beautiful evening!

As I love to go to the movies, I finally dared to say yes to a date with a newly made friend. One of his hobbies is watching movies, so we went to see 'Elvis' after having dinner. Due to my new lifestyle, going to the film doesn't fit in anymore, and this was my first time in 2,5 years.

It was a lovely summer evening; we enjoyed each other's company. I enjoyed the ambiance of the cinema, yet I felt uncomfortable and ashamed while watching, better say not watching. How on earth did I dose off four or five times?

The most important lesson I learned in the last few years is to look at possibilities and to show gratitude for things that work out well. Instead of asking questions like: "What is happening to me?" and "Why me?" I learned to bend dehumanizing thoughts into growth and try. "What if it all turns out well?"

I learned that no matter how ill I feel, I can still have great times even if they feel uncomfy. My biggest takeaway from this movie was the look in Elvis's eyes after a dreadful, depressing period. He was even more alive and creative than ever in the period after, which I can relate to.

My setbacks are becoming more intense, and they can be unbearable. Increased creativity afterward and growth in expressing my journey are developing. I get inspired by the stories of others, and I encourage you to keep believing something good will come out of the low periods in life.

You live once; rock like Elvis!

Travel with me, Love!

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