Introducing: Lewis Tivey - October Issue

Introducing: Lewis Tivey - October Issue

Oct 19, 2023

Where can we find you right now and what are you up to?

You can find me literally everywhere online. I’m on most socials. I’m currently working on my album which I hope will be done soon.

Tell us a bit about your influences.

I have many influences, however, I grew up during the 90s so I have a soft spot for Alternative rock, specifically “Grunge”. I love bands such as Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, etc. I’m also heavily influenced by Punk bands such as the Sex Pistols and the Ramones.

How did you start?

My parents bought me my first guitar when I was 16. It pretty much developed from there. I was in an Alternative Rock/metal band for a few years until we grew apart. After a hiatus, I went solo and have never looked back since. I love the creative freedom and independence. The only downside is how long it takes to be on my own.

What obstacles does an emerging artist have to face in our time?

The world has changed, rather than sell albums the whole emphasis is on streaming and building up your socials, which takes up more time than actually making music. To top that off, the market is so saturated now with “home studio/DIY artists” that it is sometimes hard to stand out. Don’t get me wrong, there are some amazing unsigned artists that deserve more recognition.

What worked for you marketing-wise? What advice or tips would you give to new artists?

Build connections with other artists and real promoters. Be wary of snake oil sales men and above all, RESEARCH!

What are your goals? Where do you see yourself in five years?

I really want to have a much bigger online presence. I know I’m never going to be a world-famous rockstar, but I’d love to be able to make more money off what I love doing.

Tell us about your latest or upcoming release.

I am currently working on my album “Subsistence”. This album is quite experimental, but not so that I think it will deter people. I guess we will see. I also am working on several new music videos. One of which is complete, but I will be releasing them at the same time the album comes out.


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