Imre Gera
10 supporters
AnotherPomodoro is nearing 1.0

AnotherPomodoro is nearing 1.0

Jan 02, 2022


More intuitive tasks panel, new home page and setup wizard, fluid animations and more. AnotherPomodoro is finally approaching 1.0.

This project has been live for more than a year now and the version number still starts with zero. Last year I hoped that I'll release the first "stable and complete" version of the app but it somehow always felt incomplete and more features start to creep in (hello dark mode). Now it is beginning to feel like a more polished experience with a revamped home page, fluid transitions and a lot easier-to-use to-do list.

There's still some polishing left to do (jointly tracked in issue #124) but those are all (hopefully) just minor things.

It probably wouldn't hurt to finally buy a domain name, either 👀

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